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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Nancy's speaking has deteriorated to a comical degree.
  2. This is why we get along even when we disagree. Your feelings are echoed by many people of all political stripes and persuasions. The people have really woken up to the fact the media is controlled/fake/more interested in narratives than truth. Our republic depends on a free press operating ethically and justly -- but we haven't had that in many decades. If ever. Times are changing though. They're a sinking ship. Some have wised up and made for the life boats. But others are pretending like everything is fine...
  3. Oh, it was completely slanted. No question. They've never been fair to Bernie that I've seen. On any of their "news" shows or opinion shows.
  4. This dude is a bad guy, no question. And that he's still employed by the campaign is hilarious. But is it me, or is he just SUPER high in all these videos. Makes me wonder what he's like sober, if he's ever sober that is. But seems like whoever is doing the taping just waits for him to blaze and then hits record.
  5. I never realized how much Warhol looked like William Dafoe
  6. She's shameless. And losing. Badly.
  7. Just for clarity: I have posted plenty of CNN links/stories/articles. Sometimes to expose them as the frauds they are, other times because the story would mean more coming from them to the left leaning/not as involved posters. This time it was specifically because they're a DNC mouthpiece that I posted it -- specifically to tweak transplant (in a joking/fun way, not meant to be mean) and our bet on 2020. Like Foxx said above, I'm the sort who reads all the sources, from every conceivable bias, and then sorts out the truth from the bs laced into every article. It's an information war after all. Getting locked into one source over the other is a quick way to become uninformed in such wars (imo).
  8. https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/tucker-carlson-elizabeth-warren-is-fraud-and-liar-dems-have-reason-to-be-nervous-about-other-2020-options.amp?__twitter_impression=true Tucker has a point.
  9. Uh... If you're paying attention, the things I "made up" ended up be proven entirely accurate by every probe and investigation into the matter. Trump/Russia was never real. Whereas, your entire theory was shown to be fiction, paid for by political activists and Russian intelligence officers. Tell us again how Trump won't finish his first term. That was your big thing back in 17-18. Now it's, "he'll be indicted when he leaves office"
  10. You spent the past 4 years saying he'd be indicted and arrested before his term was up. Now you're shifting (again) Don't worry. Just 4.5 years to go, Tibs.
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