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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. It's the secret of all secrets inside government/the MiC. And it would expose a lot of evil ***** that has been done to keep it quiet over the past 70+ years.
  2. I feel bad for it -- it doesn't look very healthy. But it sure is adorable. *******************************
  3. This could have gone in the gun thread too -- but this smells like someone was setting up a nasty/violent false flag event. But the FBI got there first. (They don't care who starts it, they just want the violence for the distraction/headlines)
  4. I'm assuming it's the circle game. Common to service members and bored teenagers/first responders. (And/or they could be trolling the ridiculous media spin on that game itself)
  5. That's not the insane part. The insane part is that it was clearly my page -- yet you presented it like you were Columbo breaking a case wide open. And you got every bit of it wrong. Every bit. All it took was thirty seconds of basic logic (or reading) to figure it out, but that was too much thinking for you. So you biffed it. Per usual.
  6. All that exercise proved is how stupid you really are. It was hilarious. And completely on brand for a low information guy like yourself.
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