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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Speculation as far as I know. But the fact he's divided up each amendment between the various departments he wants to subpoena (rather than lump them all together) shows me it's probably close to the truth. He wants an hour for each manager to bloviate (so the MSM can cut up the best bits and play them on a loop), and to eat up as much time as possible since Pelosi and Schumer both want Biden to win the nomination, not Sanders/Warren/Amy.
  2. I can't wait to see how this backfires on Zero Chance Joe. Sure, burn 44. That will help you keep those Obama voting base you desperately need.
  3. I think Roberts does in this case. ************ I would love it if Cipillone would have walked to the mic after Demings (terrible) hour long diatribe and just said:
  4. btw: Schumer says he has 50 amendments he plans on submitting. We've taken 4 hours to go through 1.5 so far.
  5. She's normally strong -- but she's having a rough time reading right now.
  6. 2020 politics. This is about smearing Trump and every republican running in the Senate and House in 2020 with "he was impeached and the Senate would have removed if they weren't corrupt!" allegations (bullschiff). They know they have no hope in beating Trump at the ballot box, so this is about delegitimizing his second term.
  7. He's been put on a short leash. And he knows it.
  8. 53-47 is hilarious It'll be that way all the way through. With two dems (at least) jumping over to vote against removal in the end (Manchin for sure, and probably one or two more) It doesn't hold water. It's making differences of opinion on policy an impeachable offense. If it's allowed to stand, it would lead to every future president being impeached simply for disagreeing with the House. It would be the end of the republic. And that's what Schiff and his ilk really wants. But that's another story. Collins and Romney locked in by Mitch. Good work, cocaine apparently does a body good.
  9. 1 of how many? At least 10+ I think... I forget how many Schumer had. But it takes two hours between each vote. Time for: No way anyone is watching this besides the demented few out there (of which I include myself proudly). Romney voted to table it... there goes that gambit for the dems. This was a big one, so he's locked in with Mitch.
  10. Witnesses he didn't have the balls to call when he was in charge. Wimpy people say wimpy things.
  11. Schiff says he won't respond to the attacks on him and his process... ... Because he can't.
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