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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Trump to announce/reveal his Middle East peace plan tomorrow at noon.
  2. You just got stomped. And you think you won. That's why you're deeply stupid.
  3. Yes, that IS a dishonest way to spin it. It's what you do, Gary. You don't need to keep proving how dishonest you are. Everyone knows it.
  4. I've owned that, Gary. You've yet to... Because you're weak. Because you're deeply stupid. Because you're dishonest. And everyone knows it. Your record is clear.
  5. You're finally catching on to how polls work. Now take it to the next step... try it. You can do it, it won't fry your synapses...
  6. Still running -- it would be so simple for you to just say, "I got it wrong." But you can't. It would destroy you. Because you're weak, deeply stupid, and dishonest to your core. Sucks to be Gary.
  7. Trying to play semantics with Trump is a losing battle. The fact you still haven't gotten that yet just proves how deeply stupid you actually are. And dishonest.
  8. It's moot. Whether or not you believed (still believe) in the Russia/Trump hoax is not moot as it influences your thinking on nearly every political topic. You called out people for not admitting when they're wrong -- you've now spent multiple posts refusing to do the same.... is that because you're an honest poster here to interact honorably? Or is it because you're a deeply stupid asshat who is dishonest to his core? The readers will decide.
  9. Anyone who holds up something from Schiff as a way to point out someone else's dishonesty is a deeply stupid person lacking in all sense of irony. That letter proves nothing, other than what we've already known about Gary. He doesn't pay attention to the details, doesn't think for himself, and couldn't logic himself out of a wet paper bag. "Asked" vs "Subpoenaed" Key difference. But you're too dishonest/deeply stupid to understand it.
  10. So, you still won't admit you were wrong. Got it. And to prove that you won't admit it, you post a tinfoil hat meme without irony after you pushed and believed in a conspiracy theory for three years down here. Keep proving me right, you're deeply stupid.
  11. ... Still waiting on you to admit your mistake in believing the Trump/Russia hoax for not one year, not two, but three years before it was exposed as fraudulent... Or any of the other number of things you've gotten wrong just this morning. The lack of awareness you continually display would be staggering, if it wasn't known how deeply, and I do mean DEEPLY, stupid of a person you are.
  12. He's been exposed, again, of not knowing the subject material. Now, again, he's trying to run away from it and move the point (to a still incorrect point). There's a House IG report which Schiff controls about the whistleblower's original complaint, and his testimony. Gary's wrong, again. Because he rushed to make a "joke" and didn't stop to think it all the way through. Because he's deeply stupid.
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