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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Still digging into this one. @sherpa might be able to add a thought or two regarding the damage.
  2. Highlighting this point only because it crosses over with my own work/interests: The "border fiasco" you're referring to is directly tied to protecting children, especially children from regions like Honduras. How? Trump's top agenda on the border, and you could argue since he came into office, is a crackdown on human trafficking. If you're working with people from Honduras, especially migrants, then I'm certain you've heard the horror stories of the cartels, traffickers, and coyotes. "Child Separation" and how it was handled by the media should be a huge warning sign that the media, and the establishment DC (both right and left) are deeply corrupt. Those who argued, forcefully, that putting children in cages was wrong and inhuman also knowingly were ignoring the other side of that coin: namely that hundreds of thousands of children a year are trafficked across the southern border for the purposes of human slavery. Separating children from their parents is bad -- you and I both feel for them. 2/3rds of people crossing the border are doing so without any ill intent towards their children. But that leaves 1/3 of the kids (100s of thousands a year, if not more) in danger. Arguing against "children in cages" is an argument FOR giving traffickers a free pass. This propaganda campaign was done specifically to muddy these waters. Because those trafficking pipelines are worth billions of dollars a year to the cartels and their customers. Billions. And DC politicians have, for decades, taken kickbacks from the cartels, the PRI, and others to keep the border porous. To protect this supply line of children. I urge you, with all sincerity, to dig deeper into the border/wall issues. And look hard at trafficking. Talk to the people you work with, you won't have to look hard to find a victim or hear their story. This, by the way, was one of the major understandings/revelations that opened my eyes to exactly what's happening. Trump isn't a threat to the country, or to you or me. He's a direct threat to this industry. An industry which the likes of McCain, Pelosi, Schiff, and many more have directly/knowingly profited from for decades. In "donations" and kickbacks. They're terrified of this income stream being dried up. It has nothing to do with "protecting children". Quite the opposite. So you are of the opinion that a sitting president can not, or should not, investigate anyone who might run against him in the future? Walk that line of thought all the way out. And consider what we've learned about the Russia/Trump hoax -- and how the FBI was spying (illegally) on a political opponent of the White House. I'm guessing (and please correct me if I'm wrong) you had no problem with that investigation... Everyone has food coma from dinner -- he's the digestive mint.
  3. Just in case you're unsure and not making a joke: It's Bolton/Ford.
  4. I feel like anyone who has watched long enough has that back-splash they're standing in front of burned into their brains to such an extent they see it when they close their eyes. ****************
  5. To each their own, I haven't had much of a problem with their delivery personally -- but I've been trying to work while watch so I might have missed some flubs. ************************ Good thread to break down:
  6. Breaking jokes aside -- color me shocked, not shocked. *****************
  7. (Still striving for a conversation, not a hostile debate, and appreciate your responses ) Honestly though, how can you differentiate between the two? If you think it was sketchy (and I agree), which does NOT mean criminal (we'd both agree there I suspect), it certainly warrants a closer look if you're concerned about corruption, no? Or, do you believe the simple act of running for president makes one immune from investigation into their past misdeeds? If what Biden was doing was corrupt, and the odds are HIGH that it was, then the country benefits from an investigation into that. Does Trump benefit too? Maybe. But he's still POTUS and has every legal right to investigate corruption in terms of foreign policy. The constitution is explicit in that.
  8. Do you, personally, find anything wrong/dirty/icky about Biden's son being on the board of Bursima, when Biden himself was put in charge of lobbying for the Ukraine's energy policy among our European allies?
  9. Interesting strategy here, giving Bondi (who has been fabulous) the kill shot on Hunter. I wonder how much thought was given to letting a female lawyer make this case, rather than Sekulow or Cipillone to head off "progressive" attacks. First I've seen them do it. But I missed a chunk earlier this morning.
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