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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. That was NOT the entire substance of his testimony. Gary's wrong. Again.
  2. https://dailycaller.com/2020/01/29/barr-trump-bush/ "I love both men, but Trump listens."
  3. This is a big part of it, without a doubt:
  4. Will other presidents conduct legitimate foreign policy? Yes. Yes they will. You're very underinformed.
  5. Yes you are. Look through all your posts I highlighted just this morning. There's multiple posts of you being disingenuous and failing to see the bigger picture. You still believe Trump/Russia was real -- and, without irony, you are accusing others of not being interested in truth because of partisan reasons. You're a hypocrite, Bob. An uninformed one at that.
  6. No one has a problem with that approach. No one. ... But democrats who know they can't beat Trump at the ballot, hence the schiff show we're being subjected to now.
  7. I tried to be patient with Bob for years -- then he snapped because the cognitive dissonance in his brain broke him. He became hostile, and agitated. But I still humor him only because exposing his particular partisan brand of idiocy can be illuminating for others/lurkers. He's like one of these things:
  8. You're literally disputing an uncontested fact. It's not the firing in itself that's problematic. It's the hiring in the first place. Details are hard to keep track of when you don't know the basic facts -- which you admit you do not. "Appears" -- notice how you have to qualify the sequence of events in order to "prove" your case? That's problematic. And someone who wasn't a blind partisan would recognize that and try, just try, to think for himself. This just shows how asleep you still are. You think the media plays fair? They literally ignored the biggest political scandal in US history (the fake Russia narrative) in order to lie to the American people for the benefit of their political "side". How many "reporters" have asked Obama a single question about his FBI's illegal spying (now proven)? Zero. You're SOUND asleep.
  9. Uh... her whole career was built on disinformation.
  10. Uh. Pass. You've shown over and over that your sources of information are suspect at best. Not "good" by any stretch. You're woefully underinformed.
  11. Says the guy who still thinks Trump/Russia is real, doesn't know who the IC IG is and why he matters, yet wades in on his high horse proclaiming that everyone else is ignorant of reality or playing partisan politics. Foxx doesn't need to wake up... but someone does I write comedy... but I can't write this kind of comedy
  12. Including Obama, just in 2016, who pressured our allies to spy on his political opponent for his political gain -- but Bob doesn't want to even acknowledge that, or discuss it. Because as much as he talks about wanting to know all the truth, he clearly draws the line at partisanship.
  13. Id say it’s amazing Bob doesn’t understand he just undercut his (and the dems) entire argument. But then again, Bob just spent the last hour admitting he doesn’t even know the basic facts about the matter or who the IG is and why he matters. Uninformed people say the funniest things when they’re trying to act informed. Because he’s dishonest. He literally yells at others who ask him to do his own legwork.
  14. Uhh... Trump/Russia? You literally ran from the truth for three years. Still are. The lack of self awareness on display in your posts is staggering.
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