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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. 1. For crimes committed which have nothing to do with Trump or his administration.
  2. Dangerous... But I don't hear any of the dimwits speaking out against this kind of dangerous, divisive, and insane argument from Pelosi. Wonder why that is.
  3. As a reminder -- I don't care if you have me on ignore. I'll keep pointing out your flawed, shortsighted, and dangerous arguments for the bunk they are. If you responded to them, you'd only end up learning something new, and you've proven that you're HIGHLY against that.
  4. Not only is this a poorly worded question, it's stupid. All Trump needed to prove, to make the entire case moot, is that there was the POSSIBILITY that Biden's dealings in Ukraine weren't on the up and up. If there is even a hint of doubt on that matter, then Trump asking Ukraine to look into it cannot be attributed to solely political motivations. You lost. Again. It's over. 5 more years of your torment to go...
  5. Just yesterday you admitted you did not know the relevance of the IC-IG. You should research it, because it speaks directly to this point.
  6. Cares about protecting whistleblowers -- until they don't. Don't forget, Nunes himself was a huge whistleblower against the IC and he was smeared for three years, doxxed, and attacked by Schiff. The same guy who claims to care about "the lives of whistleblowers". Dishonest argument from dishonest people.
  7. Bob's nonsense list aside (ridiculous list), in this country the accused has the right to face his or her accuser. And considering how the Trump/Russia hoax was crafted, pushed, and weaponized by anonymous CIA sources -- just like this "scandal" -- NOT calling the whistleblower, or taking Bob's line of reasoning, is to condone unelected CIA officers and personnel undoing an election from the shadows. *****. That. Then again, Bob wants to subvert our entire rule of law and flip it on its head. So of course he sees no issue here.
  8. I can only speak for my own beliefs. To me, the existence of other intelligent life in the universe would only enhance God. Lots of more religious minded people than me do not believe that aliens exist, and instead state that any alien sighting is demonic/angelic. I, personally, don't think they're mutually exclusive.
  9. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7947543/I-thought-end-world-Space-debris-lights-sky-Southern-California.html?ito=social-twitter_dailymailus
  10. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7947543/I-thought-end-world-Space-debris-lights-sky-Southern-California.html?ito=social-twitter_dailymailus
  11. Second podcast from Rudy is out:
  12. @Bob in Mich does not believe in nor value 100s of years of western jurisprudence or our rule of law. He is advocating, knowingly or not (likely not, because he's dim) for a complete reversal of our system of justice just because Trump is mean. He's a mental midget. **************************** It's over.
  13. @DC Tom called it long ago: GOP = Terrorist group
  14. So you're basing your opinion that Trump is "absolutely guilty" on mystery evidence in the form of emails, texts and witnesses you haven't seen, read, or heard from? And here I thought you couldn't get any more foolish.
  15. False. You literally just advocated for a reversal of our standard of justice because you know that you have no evidence.
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