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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Did Trump lie to the FISA court and change evidence? Did Trump illegally leak classified material to the press in order to fraudulantly arrange a SCO? Did Trump lie on sworn 302 forms to frame innocent people of crimes they did not commit? Did Trump go on TV and lie to the American people about a Russian plot 24/7 for three+ years despite knowing it was fiction? Trump didn't do any of that. The media did. The Congress did. The FBI and DOJ under Obama did... So, Bob, why do you keep believing those people who lied to you? Who made you look like a fool?
  2. 18 of them in fact. Of course, Schiff continues to block access to one -- never hear the people crying about witnesses today say a word about that. Wonder why that is?
  3. The simple answer is that people like Bob/Gary/Tibs/Logic/Whitewalker/JA and all the rest -- some of whom vanished into the ether, others who are still clinging to their fantasies of a grand Trump/Russia conspiracy -- abandoned all their "liberal" principles at the drop of a hat because the disinformation campaign programmed them to do so. They fell for a psy-op of epic proportions, and suddenly took positions which were antithetical to the left just 4 years ago. Things like: perma-war, regime change, mass surveillance, government overreach et al. They're not operating from a sense of logic and reason, but emotion. And that was the intent of the three year plus "BUT RUSSIA! BUT RACISM! BUT SEXISM! BUT NAZIS!" narratives. To make people so afraid, so emotional, that they're unable to think or put things into proper context. They believe they're fighting a Nazi/authoritarian dictator -- making everything used in defiance justified... even using authoritarian staples like subverting our system of justice and sidling up to civil liberty abusers, neocons and neoliberals. Their brains have been broken. It's really as simple as that.
  4. Re the bolded: this is where Bob fails. He doesn't understand, believe, or know the full context of the past three years. If he did, he'd understand that during Mueller, Trump's administration was OVERLY transparent. Provided all the documents and witnesses Mueller requested, without delay. How did that end up for Trump? Right... Weissman and Mueller railroaded his witnesses, forged evidence, dragged on an investigation they KNEW to be bogus from the first day of the SCO's appointment. Trump watched as the "system" bankrupted good people, pressured their families and them to "flip". In the end, Trump was vindicated and cleared of the most central (and nefarious) charges. Did that stop the attacks? Nope. Did that stop the people like Bob who still believe collusion/conspiracy happened (there just wasn't enough evidence to charge). People like the Bob and Pelosi/Schiff/the media THREW OUT the bedrock principle of our legal system, innocent until proven guilty, and inverted it just because they didn't get the outcome they were promised. Rather than get mad at the people who made those promises, who lied to the people for three plus years -- Bob and others keep their ire aimed at the victim. Knowing that, experiencing all that -- why should Trump EVER willingly give over documents/witnesses to the same partisan bullshiters? But Bob doesn't want to acknowledge any of that. Because he's ignorant of basic facts and too partisan to be taken seriously.
  5. Isn't it funny how they cling to stories from 2015 as if they hold merit/weight with the voting blocks they need to appeal to? One would think a wiser strategy for the past three-four years would have been to embrace the independents and centrists, to learn why they voted Trump and try to create a platform that's inclusive. But instead of doing that, the DNC charged hard left and called those very same people they need "Putin lovers" or worse for simply raising doubts about the (now proven false) Trump/Russia narrative. All they had to do to win is NOT be crazy. But they just couldn't do it.
  6. If it's 3, and the vote is 50-50 then it fails. So it's done.
  7. Why, then, didn't the House use the courts to get those witnesses and documents, Bob?
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