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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. All evidence to the contrary. You are literally spouting talking points -- and have yet to show you're capable of thinking for yourself when that requires you to read/understand information that runs counter to those very talking points you're here to spew. You can prove me wrong though, by answering my question about Nunes and why you were silent about his targeting but so worked up over EC's. Why is that, Bob? Think for yourself before answering... Thoughts taken right from the MSM spigot... but carry on. Your reasoning skills ARE faulty because you keep thinking he's a whistleblower when he's not. He's part of the plot against the president.
  2. Truth is power, Bob. I know you have a hard time understanding that with as much disinformation as you spew -- but truth is power. Sharing that power is beneficial to the community and the world at large. Again, if you care so much about protecting whistleblowers, why were you silent when Nunes was being targeted -- Nunes didn't have the media protecting him, they enabled the targeting, and pig piled on. Bob, you were silent that whole time. Why? Could it be because you're a blind partisan and not truly interested in protecting whistleblowers unless you're ordered to by your masters? Nah. That can't be it...
  3. There goes Bob again, believing the spin pushed by proven liars and manipulators. I ask Bob, if he's so concerned about the safety of whistleblowers, why was he silent when Nunes was facing death threats for blowing the whistle on the biggest scandal in IC history?
  4. Funny how Kemp doesn't want to talk about the actual authoritarian overreach committed by the government... Page 82: NSA examined all queries using identifiers for "U.S. persons targeted pursuant to Sections 704 and 705(b) of FISA using the [REDACTED / X-Keyscore] tool in [REDACTED] ... from November 1, 2015 to May 1, 2016." Id. at 2-3 (footnote omitted). Based on that examination, "NSA estimates that approximately eighty-five percent of those queries, representing [REDACTED] queires conducted by approximately [REDACTED] targeted offices, were not compliant with the applicable minimization procedures." Id. at 3. Many of these non-compliant queries involved use of the same identifiers over different date ranges. Id. Even so, a non-compliance rate of 85% raises substantial questions about the propriety of using of [REDACTED / X-KEYSCORE] to query FISA data. While the government reports that it is unable to provide a reliable estimate of the number of non-compliant queries since 2012, id., there is no apparent reason to believe the November 2015-April 2016 period coincided with an unusually high error rate. (Emphasis my own) https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf Horowitz reportedly finds FBI lawyer falsified FISA doc https://www.foxnews.com/politics/horowitz-finds-evidence-fbi-employee-altered-russia-probe-document FISA court slams FBI conduct in Carter Page surveillance warrant applications https://www.cnn.com/2019/12/17/politics/fisa-court-slams-fbi-conduct/index.html DOJ Determines 2 FISA Spy Warrants on Trump Campaign Adviser Were “Not Valid” https://themarketswork.com/2020/01/23/doj-determines-2-fisa-spy-warrants-on-trump-campaign-adviser-were-not-valid/ Comparing the allegations about Trump and the Ukraine to the proven crimes committed above is not something Kemp wishes to do. Because he knows one is far more dangerous of a slide towards a dictatorship than the other. And, because Kemp is a fool, he's upset about the wrong one. NPCs say the darndest things.
  5. Hmm... 2018: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article214974800.html 2019: https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article237959369.html ***************************** Yup.
  6. When you lose Rolling Stone... And the award for the best troll tweet of the weekend:
  7. It's hilarious to watch someone who blindly supported and applauded McCarthyian tactics come back months later and denounce McCarthy as a bad guy.
  8. Thread for consideration:
  9. And that's the context that's missed by many. The lowering of the bar for impeachment happened after they tried, and failed, to overthrow the legitimate government by subverting our DOJ, FBI, and tools of surveillance. They couched it in a "threat to national security", but knew when they made that justification it was hog wash.
  10. I don't disagree -- but it's a further decent into madness. Say what you will about the Clinton impeachment, he did commit a crime (perjury). It was BS then, but it was still at least a crime. This is weaponizing policy differences, which would render the entire executive branch inert.
  11. Respectfully, re the bolded: It's funny how the "best possible outcome" for the establishment DNC always aligns with what most destabilizes our system of government. They've accomplished nothing with this gambit but weaponizing impeachment -- which is dangerous for the future of the republic.
  12. Agreed. But they let him into their tent and have to own it... or cheat, and expose themselves to the same sort of ire they got when they did the same in 2016. Bernie supporters should either do what they did last time they screwed him (vote Trump), or write in Bernie's name. It would be hilarious to see Bernie's write in votes get more than whoever the DNC ends up running.
  13. Here's the motion: Wednesday will be the vote. Just terrible.
  14. @section122 They're pulling out all the stops to screw him.
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