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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. 3 episodes into season 3 at the moment and you called it. Great show. Very well done. I've been a big fan of the creator since Hell or Highwater and Sicario, but the show is fantastic. Should finish season three over the weekend or early next week.
  2. Why, it's almost as if people from all over the country are participating in it
  3. Make no mistake, we are about to enter perhaps the most dangerous period of our nation's history -- regardless of who is declared the winner on November 3rd. Be smart. Be safe. There will be every attempt by professional agitators to not only spark the tinderbox we're all residing in, but to make it as bloody as they possibly can in the process. We are teetering on the brink of becoming Yugoslavia circa 1991 -- or finally breaking through to a full restoration of the republic and its justice system. Which way will it go? No one knows, so best be prepared for the worst while hoping for the best.
  4. For those who missed it (this seemed like the best thread, though it could go in several others)
  5. That is the downside to Trump's strategy over the past few months. He's been honest about Joe's mental decline, but has piled on so much that all Joe needs to do now in the debates to be declared a winner is not set himself on fire during it. So long as he does that, he'll be anointed the winner by everyone in the media and everyone else who didn't watch the event.
  6. 100% There's a special kind of irony here, the democrat leadership begging the FBI and DOJ not to do what they did to Trump while trying to claim the moral high ground. That's an extra dose of irony and dishonesty atop their normal flailing.
  7. Still hearing hammer. The mother of all hammers. But we’ll see.
  8. At least with a two volume tome coming out, the national toilet paper shortage is over with.
  9. Games on games on games. All for an election.
  10. And here's a thread from Cleveland on the first story (more to the thread than these two)
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