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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. That's why he was picked for this job imo. He's a tank.
  2. Ben Smith covered for Hillary during the dossier fiasco too. He's part of the Clinton machine. Asking him to report honestly on the Clintons is not a wise tact to take. Clinton weaponized it in the presidential primaries and spread it far and wide through cut outs. It's her MO.
  3. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-7978943/Experts-says-Jupiters-moon-Europa-home-alien-life-octopus-like-creatures.html
  4. You are aware of who originated the birther movement, right? It wasn't Trump. It was Hillary during her primary against Obama.
  5. Their entire philosophy/philosophies require that they eat themselves.
  6. Still one of the best follows on Twitter.
  7. Uh... Who wants to tell drunken Nance that the CiC is in charge of the military, not Congress.
  8. Good luck with the new gig, Foxx! Hope you feel better for Day One.
  9. That's pretty much how my significant other has treated me since Wednesday night
  10. It's always fun when people try to make the "Trump is dividing the nation!" argument. It's not Trump, it's the establishment media complex and their lackeys who are doing the dividing, and the evidence is overwhelming. Does Trump counter punch? Yup, and that plays into the narrative that he's a "divider" because the establishment media will run the counter punch rather than the first volley of divisive attacks. * All Trump supporters are racist! * All Trump supporters are Putin apologists! * All Trump supporters are ignorant hillbillies who aren't smart enough to vote! ... And those were just the attacks in November '16.
  11. Down with the flu -- almost feel human today, we'll see how long that lasts.
  12. The "Celebration speech" yesterday wasn't. It was a signal that we're moving into a new phase. Offense has the ball.
  13. All that only applies if one thinks he's being genuine. He's not. Hence the response.
  14. Because he didn't make his vote based on principle (or evidence), but out of his delusional desire to be embraced by the big media complex. The same ones who destroyed him during his presidential run... They'll never love him, or embrace him. But he can't help but pine for them all the same. That's why he'll forever be Mittens.
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