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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. ... It is free from Trump interference. The judge decides the sentence, not the DOJ. The DOJ made a recommendation. (Once again, Bob doesn't know the facts, or the details, but has an opinion. Not an original opinion, just one he lifted from MSM talking points. Being stupid and stoned is no way to go through a disinformation war.)
  2. These people were crooks posing as cops and lawyers, not virtuous defenders of the country -- unless you're plugged into the MSM drip feed.
  3. Insanity. 4 years, 1 impeachment attempt, 1 coup attempt, 95% negative coverage in the press for all that time ... and ZERO journalists are behind bars. You'd think educated people like the elite media would understand how badly that hurts their argument.
  4. Video/Article: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/devin-nunes-examples-of-what-the-mueller-team-was-really-doing-will-emerge-in-coming-weeks *************************
  5. Liar. Your contempt for Barr stems from the media telling you to find him contemptible. You are not pushing your own original thought. And it shows in the examples you've chosen and the lies you've written above.
  6. Nope. They're all puppets for the same master. Why bother quibbling over which one has the best costume when they're ultimately the same? Biden -- crooked, liar, involved deeply in Russia hoax and SpyGate Steyer -- crooked, a liar, deeply involved in the occult, not to mention pushing Russia Warren -- crooked, a liar, deeply involved in pushing the Russia hysteria and covering up for SpyGate Klobachar -- a liar, deeply involved in fanning the flames of Russia and SpyGate Buttigieg -- a liar, incompetent, a literal cut out for the same monied interests who pushed Russia. The second most dangerous candidate not named Sanders. Gabbard -- voted for her in 2016, has been a tremendous disappointment these past 4 years and proved she's on this team, not the peoples'. (All play for the same team) Sanders -- a liar, dangerous ideologue with ideas that are detrimental to this country, deeply involved in fanning the flames of Russia and covering for SpyGate (Plays for the same owner, just a different team) ***** them all.
  7. Sure are. It's fear mixed with weaponized ignorance. Bob still believes Russia/Trump was real -- "they just didn't find enough evidence to convict him". That's what they programmed him to think and believe, despite the absence of evidence and facts to support that position (and despite the fact that in order to believe that position in the first place requires a complete inversion of the entire system of justice in this country). Bob uses the tarmac as an apples to apples comparison, as an example, when it's anything but apples to apples. It's a poor comparison which demonstrates how little he understands about what is happening now and what happened then. He has no one but himself to blame for his continued ignorance though. No one.
  8. I refuse to vote for anyone who was either complicit in the Russia hoax, or complicit in pushing it into the bloodstream. Thus, none of those running on the left this ticket will ever get my vote or support again.
  9. Hasn’t paid attention to these details for three years, knows nothing about this subject and proves it daily. Gets a round of MSM talking points from the people freaking out about justice — and then comes down here to spout off, pretending to have original thoughts on this matter .... ... The Bob way.
  10. https://mobile.twitter.com/TWlTTERDJ/status/1227398639410188289 https://mobile.twitter.com/MZHemingway/status/1227425255553224705
  11. Good point. ******* https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1227423392078409728 He’s telling them what’s coming.
  12. I'm not a fan of the source, but it could happen. I think it would be a bit early though. At some point I expect pardons (at least for Flynn and Stone), but they have more groundwork to do in terms of indictments/exposure of the plot. (imo)
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