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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://www.justice.gov/storage/120919-examination.pdf https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf A "big time lawyer" claims DOJ/NSA/FBI evidence, investigations, and testimony is a "reddit conspiracy theory". Why a "big time lawyer" is allergic to reading the facts and evidence for himself is pretty obvious. He's an intellectual coward with no understanding of what's happening.
  2. He's never been one for humility. Read the post a few above yours
  3. We are cool, even when we disagree And I'm all for good natured mockery, don't worry there. But I'm pressing because I'm curious what your actual definition is. Not to be pedantic, but to bear down on what's really at issue. It's an important question to consider imo. As for McCabe, he's not off the hook. The charges people are talking about stem from a 2018 OIG report which was spun off of several other OIG reports (all of which detailed numerous reasons -- with evidence -- why McCabe is beyond *****). He's still under criminal referral from Horowitz on FISA abuse, as well as in Durham's scope. If he walks from those, then we can reassess this. ... But ask yourself an important question -- why would this news break now? Think about information warfare tactics (because we're in one whether we want to be or not), and think about the Flynn case, the Stone case, and the fuss over Barr/Trump in the past 78 hours. Stone was charged with less than McCabe was charged with -- yet Stone gets an initial rec for 9 years while McCabe walks. What does that do for the base? What does that do to the independents who are watching this without a dog in the fight? It's a clear demonstration of the two tier justice system: one for us, one for them. And it's anathema to everything this country stands for. People are watching. It's not wrong. McCabe and the entire upper echelon is still under criminal referral from Horowitz's probe. This was confirmed multiple times. Oops.
  4. This has been going on for several weeks now, over a month and a half. No leaks. Til yesterday:
  5. There's an answer for that.
  6. What is a "deep state freak" exactly? *********************** (shh)
  7. (For leaking, has nothing to do with Durham. This was about the 4/18 report, not the FISA abuse)
  8. He went dark after Barr's interview ... until this morning (though it's been subdued).
  9. This is 44 min long, but a full sit down with Nunes on a slew of topics.
  10. This requires some reading between the lines -- (Note: Not meant to be about 45 or politics -- but if you are familiar with this subject in general, you'll understand why the Dept of Energy being on the Space Council would be important)
  11. I'm a POS -- for posting an article that has a different opinion than yours because it relies on actual facts, not suppositions and emotional outrage. Keep on thinking you're stable, Tibs. It's going well for you.
  12. I don't lie. I post the report -- knowing that you've never read it, will never read it, and the very sight of it makes you retreat like a Vampire facing a clove of garlic. https://www.justice.gov/storage/report.pdf
  13. This is why no one takes Bob seriously -- he is dishonest even within his own posts: Example: Okay... sounds fair. Until: Yet, Bob was silent when it happened. Didn't say a word (other than gleeful celebration that Stone was arrested).
  14. Yet the normal crowd of low information TDS addled minds think this is something to panic over. Because they're emotional, not logical. They're programmed, not independent thinkers. (And the real goal is to discredit Barr's work, cement Stone's "conviction for Russia!", and bury the truth)
  15. Yup. There was a slew of them... (Almost like the media is more interested in covering up the greatest scandal in US history rather than report on it)
  16. When ingenuity meets someone with too much time on their hands.
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