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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Worth the time: (Article direct link) https://uncoverdc.com/2020/02/16/andrew-mccabe-and-loretta-lynch-threaned-the-ny-field-office-of-the-fbi/
  2. My favorite part is where she tries to get the crowd to sign along, as if they know the song
  3. https://mobile.twitter.com/MariaBartiromo/status/1229096865439850498
  4. It’s been going on all our lives, and would have continued unabated. (imo)
  5. You just read Benjamin Wittes wet dream. It’s why I’ve been saying for years now that lawfare is the heart of the resistance. They’re not arbiters of truth, they’re part of the attempt to interfere in the election.
  6. Think this all the way through please. You’re arguing that Mueller knew Trump was guilty of what would amount to treason, and had enough evidence to prove it (despite writing in his report the direct opposite — but leave that for now) — yet did not do so because HE BELIEVES IN THE IMPORT OF A NON BINDING MEMO FROM AN OFFICE THAT NO ONE TAKES SERIOUSLY. And, as a result, Trump has forever changed the federal judiciary, changed the balance of SCOTUS, passed major legislation... But Mueller just sat on his hands and let it happen because of the OLC? That’s weapons grade stupidity, is it not? my sides. oh Jesus. You’re beyond lost. 1) That “Russian national” was an ACTIVE STATE DEPARTMENT SOURCE. Meaning, he was on our team — not Putin’s. (strike one) 2) Trump never ordered Flynn to find them, and if you’re hanging your belief on “Russia, if you’re listening” then I suggest your sense of humor meter needs adjusting. (strike two) 3) G-Pop did not “try to arrange” meetings, even if he had, it’s not illegal. (foul tip) 4) Don Jr did NOT orchestrate that meeting. Fusion GPS did. (Strike three) 5) See one. You just proved you’re very good at not thinking for yourself but excellent at being propagandize by proven liars with motive and agendas to do so.
  7. You’re still dodging. Why? You have all the information, you said it yourself. So share it. Be specific.
  8. And you are dodging this post. @Nineforty Hang for what precisely? Be specific.
  9. Does not change what I said. Or the reality. The OLC is not a mandate. It’s not law. Mueller was under no obligation to follow it. But he did. Why? (to fool low information people like you)
  10. So your argument is even if they KNEW and could PROVE collusion, they wouldn’t be able to charge the president? So instead they let him serve a full term, appoint two supremes and over 100+ federal judges... Because of the olc? They got you GOOD, nineforty. You’re so lost you don’t know up from down on this topic. You realize the OLC opinion is not law. It’s not binding. It’s not required to be followed.
  11. I've not only read both volumes, I’ve interviewed (in depth) several people involved in its creation and several of those named in it. To be sure we are talking about the same thing, and not past one another, what about Trump / Russia is real in your mind. Please be specific. Please show me the indictments, and/or bits of volume one which claim there was collusion and conspiracy between US persons and Russian agents. How can the above be true when not a single person was indicted for it? Not one? What is the standard of justice in this country? What is it’s bedrock? Is it innocent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent? Do you disagree with this standard of justice? If not, how can you hold the above to be true while believing in it?
  12. (It clearly does bother you -- as you respond every time )
  13. Yes - that's what Bannon said. And, during Stone's trial, we learned for a fact this was not true. Stone was representing himself to have contacts which he didn't. He was cribbing news reports and citing them as original. Trump/Russia was never real, Nineforty. It was fiction. There was no wikileaks connection to the campaign, certainly not to Stone. They lied to you for 3 years.
  14. This is true. Should have said referred. This is not true. Stone had no connection to Wikileaks. This was proven in his trial. He claimed to have access he did not actually have. Russia/Trump was never real, @Nineforty.
  15. Don't you see that's exactly what they tried to do in 2016? That was the whole point of Trump/Russia -- to tilt the election in their favor. It didn't work, which is REALLY interesting considering their track record of success over the past several decades. So why didn't it work? THAT'S the big question and why there are countless theories about who's really behind Trump's administration. They tried an October surprise -- it didn't work. They then launched an investigation on what is now proven to be fraudulent grounds -- that didn't work. They then launched a backdoor "paper" coup, designed to cripple and hobble the administration until they broke -- that didn't work. They then launched a baseless impeachment push, without a proper foundation -- that didn't work. So either Trump is the luckiest SOB in the world, or there's something else happening that's playing defense. Again, I'm not a Trump guy. None of this is about Trump for me, and never has been. He's a tank, and an easy litmus test to tweak/troll/gauge people, but it's not about him. It's about the fact there is now proven to have been a group of people inside our most powerful intelligence agencies and law enforcement agencies who actively tried to overturn a legal election -- not because they truly believed Trump to be a threat to the country or our republic -- but because he was a threat to their way of doing business.
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