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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/NiceDeb/status/1230243396146618368
  2. Indeed. JA was wrong then, is still wrong now -- and no one arguing "Trump/Russia was real" has learned a thing since then. It's hilariously sad.
  3. Masks off, imploding from within. Let's have it out for real, enough games and euphemisms. Capitalism vs Communism on the 2020 ballot and let's see where the country actually is... Then, what's left of the DNC's ashes, can be tossed into the dustbin while they "re-brand".
  4. It's because the GarBoTibs of PPP don't read or think for themselves. They parrot what's been given to them by their chosen media spox, and when they run across information that runs counter to their programming, they block it out entirely from their minds. They're broken people, with broken brains who only speak when the hand shoved up their butts moves their mouths for them.
  5. Daily Beast already deleted this: Of course, that wasn't at all accurate. ASSANGE, not Trump, has long said Russia didn't hack the DNC and he could prove it. Asking for a deal in exchange for that evidence isn't Trump asking to "cover up" anything. It's the opposite.
  6. Doubly so when DNC pundits are on cable news holding up Sanders' rally attendance as proof the DNC is strong. They gave in to the far left wing of their party, and as everyone predicted, those progfascists imploded the party from within. Their best hope is a former republican oligarch and an avowed communist. ... And their bench is even weaker than that. The DNC is toast -- and it's entirely deserved.
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1230153030718382081
  8. Not sure the best thread for this, but this seems apt. Reason 1,009,895 why socialized medicine is a dangerously stupid idea:
  9. Did you watch the comments in full? Or just the clip? Did you watch the speech? Did you, at the time, understand what every major news story was about in that moment? Bending the truth is to take an obvious joke and make it into a treasonous statement because you could not find one shred of evidence to support your theory other than this. And that's where you are right now, Transplant. You have nothing real to offer, so you bend it. Well, you don't. You didn't do this. The media did. And you fell for it. Because you do not enjoy thinking for yourself and are a slave to the moment instead. Nope. You're 100% incorrect on this one. It's not a matter of opinion either.
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