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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. The DNC's top two candidates aren't democrats. ... But they think their party is strong enough and united enough to carry a general election. The next 8 months will be comedy gold as more and more democrats come to the realization many on here came to two years ago about their fate in the upcoming election.
  2. First you were certain Biden would be the one to end Trump — then he cratered like I promised he would. Then it was Mayor Pete and Warren you swore would be the end of Trump — then they both cratered as I promised they would. Now it’s Sanders and the 18-26 year old demo who are going to turn out (in numbers they’ve never ever turned out before) who will end Trump — but, like your other false hopes, this will be dashed too. Might want to get used to your new avatar my friend. You’re in for a loooong 5 years.
  3. Trump wins 35+ states if it’s Bernie v Trump. Maybe 38+. Neither does Trump... Bernie isn’t hitler — no one seriously argues that. But he absolutely is a communist.
  4. Counting on the 18-22 demo to turn out has never been a winning gamble, @transplantbillsfan . It’ll just be easier for your psyche to come to grips with what’s happening. The DNC is in a civil war between the far left and its establishment rot. A party divided can’t / won’t win. They have to destroy themselves and rebuild first. Bernie’s nom will assure they lose the house and senate and accelerate that death struggle. Bernie will draw, but not as well as Trump.
  5. Certainly the former. Bernie, for better or worse, has been a lawmaker for 40+ years -- most of it in the Congress (House and Senate). He's so insider his blood-type is DC despite what he says on the stump about being an outsider. It rings false to the independents who bought it when Trump sold it to them. I do agree with your overall assessment though, about the similarities. Underestimating Bernie's strength has been the DNC's undoing over the past 6 months. They still haven't learned anything from 2016.
  6. 2016 California primary -- when they called it early for Hillary to suppress Bernie's vote. It worked. Except, Bernie isn't an outsider -- Trump was/remains one.
  7. Bye. Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.
  8. With spring ball being played, this cracked me up. (Second tweet video) I was hoping the ump would get into it at one point...
  9. DHS Whistleblower dead: Investigations ongoing. https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/sources-dhs-whistleblower-on-obama-administration-found-dead/
  10. Re: the bolded -- That's the catch with socialism/communism/progfascism -- those systems require an adversary. There needs to be an oppressor/oppressed dynamic in play at all times or the entire system collapses. That's what the younger voters who are enamored with "socialism!" don't yet see. There is no ending the struggle of the working people under socialism, they need to exacerbate it in order to keep their power. It's a trick, designed to enslave not free people.
  11. 100% https://www.govtrack.us/congress/bills/112/hr4310/text
  12. He's not a hack. He's mockingbird.
  13. That was a typo. Not my intent at all
  14. Correct -- it was SOP to instead plant spies and find workarounds to the laws to obtain FISA warrants first.
  15. Grenell is temporary/acting DNI. He'll be there a short while (which is why he didn't give up his other postings) to "clean house" and take the heat which comes with it. Then he'll step aside for the Senate approved DNI. That might be a few weeks or months. Think back to Whitaker's term as acting AG. I think that was three months, maybe a little less.
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