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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Are you saying you did not say Biden would easily beat Trump? Or that, once Biden imploded, Mayor Pete was your horse? Followed by Warren? Are you not now saying, despite all the candidates being shown to have no ability to carry the vote that they will still beat Trump because a demo that never turns out magically will this time around? One of us is twisting. It ain't me There are going to be so many new avatars to pick from for you come November. Maybe it'll be this one. Or maybe we'll do a new one every month for a year? Socialism is a stepping stone to Communism. That's the goal of socialism in all it's forms. That's not me saying this, that's Lenin.
  2. So far. This morning he claims that's about to change (again). We'll see. With Trump gone overseas this week I expect the resistance to do something silly in an attempt to take eyes off him as per their pattern. That might slow Lindsey down again.
  3. No. No it was not. It was poison. Any educated person who thinks Marxism was simply a vision is deeply ignorant. Marxism is evil. It requires an adversary to work, which means there will always be an oppressor and oppressed. There's no room for anything but. Your brain has been poisoned and you don't even realize it. (Again, proving what I said about the failure of our education system the past several generations -- we allowed Marxists to infiltrate it and spread their disease).
  4. It's not twisted. Your own posts and words are all there to be read. You started convinced Biden would mop the floor with Trump -- but you were wrong. Then you moved to Mayor Pete and Warren -- and were wrong again. Now you're banking on a demo turning out in numbers they've never turned out before to beat Trump -- and you will be wrong again. No one running can beat Trump. I've been consistent in that from day one while you've jumped from horse to horse. That's not twisting anything, it's just an accurate recap of your delusion
  5. It’s the old saying: “those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.” Our education system failed the younger generations (including my own) by not being honest about this very thing.
  6. And those countries are not socialist — they’re free market capitalistic countries.
  7. I'd quibble with James and say it's not a new definition... but I'm pretty sure he knows that.
  8. "All they had to do was not be crazy... they just couldn't do it." Illegals over the working class, over minorities, over Americans. That's a winning ticket
  9. Yes, because they're more conservative when it comes to LBGTQ issues (as are Latinos). (according to that community of course)
  10. Denmark is not a socialist country. It's a free market country with extensive social programs. It's also tiny. But besides that, her comparison is spot on
  11. Acknowledging that isn't fearmongering. It's honesty. Honeymooned in the USSR at the peak of the cold war. Difference, 122 (Russia is not the USSR)
  12. The Green New Deal requires the state to take control of three of the biggest industries in the world (Transportation/travel, construction, and health care)... That's not an expansion of social programs, it's a complete undoing of our economic model in favor of -- a communistic one. The GND is his central plank. He's pushing for communism in this country, he's just being dishonest about the labels. Like he's dishonest about his label as a democrat.
  13. Wait for the very end of the video.
  14. Saying he's not, despite all facts and evidence (and plans/agendas/public statements) he's made to the contrary does not make it so. He's pushing the Green New Deal (that's communist) He praised the USSR, Cuba and Venezula He honeymooned in the USSR and praised their bread lines Bernie is a communist. It's not even debatable unless you don't understand what communism is.
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