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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Interesting choices in terms of decor. Lots of different ancient cultures with one common trait... wonder why he chose those?
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/1232515611261046786
  3. Bloomy going to Putin right off the bat
  4. Tonight should be funny.
  5. It could end up that way, there's no guarantee they'll retake the House. I doubt they lose the Senate, so a split is certainly possible.
  6. I don't know where he's getting this graphic... but it sure does a good job of creating panic.
  7. True -- I don't know how much more to it there is, but I know Disney+ took off like a rocket and that was his last pet project. There is an ongoing battle right now between Disney Channel and Disney+ (from the executive level down through the creative), not sure if that played a role in him leaving early at all but I know senior level management/executives were getting REAL salty last week with Disney+ taking all the new content. My significant other has a show there now which is caught right in the middle of the Disney+ v Disney Channel hubub so I hear a lot of gossip. I'll see what they're saying tonight.
  8. Iger took a step back. They say the industry is "surprised" by this, but it's been in the works since the Fox merger went final.
  9. Many people on here have been telling you that's how it was going to go down for a number of months now It won't be the end of the republic, it'll be the salvation of it.
  10. It's a freaky subject -- one I only paid attention to in passing. But when they started telling us about the two random kids who showed up on their doorstep at 11:30pm, I thought for sure they were joking. But when I asked about the eyes they freaked out, "how did you know?!" I have to move now.
  11. Not the right thread for this comment -- but that picture is extra freaky at the moment because our neighbors in my building got a visit from two kids just like that (only w black eyes) at 11:30pm a few nights ago. I made the mistake of giving them material on black eyed children -- that didn't help them sleep any better.
  12. Which only proves this is emotional for them, not logical. Emotional people make poor choices -- like supporting a coup and overreach by the administrative state simply because they hate the president without thinking through the long term implications of their advocacy.
  13. FISA debate picking up -- It's a needed conversation, one best done without partisanship -- but that's impossible in this environment (and because the establishment doesn't want to change the rules its been abusing to gain an edge over the people).
  14. Sanders’ central campaign planks are the Green New Deal and nationalizing health care. That’s turning over total control of three major sectors of our economy (health care, travel/transportation, and construction) to the state. He’s openly pushing a communist solution:transformation. It’s not somewhere in between. He’s openly saying it. You don’t have to care at all of course He just makes a few really good points to consider.
  15. Denmark is not a socialist country though. They're a free market capitalist economy with extensive social welfare programs.
  16. https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1245959/NASA-official-space-cameras-UFO-ISS-alien-latest-news
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