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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. (For over a year) Read closely.
  2. A communist, a republican, and a senile sacred cow from the corrupt dem establishment. Tell me again the party isn't in flames. None can win.
  3. What's hilarious is he's now arguing against the premise of his own thread When you live your life taking talking point by talking point as fact, you're going to end up as lost as Tibs.
  4. They can't. Which is why it's hilarious.
  5. He's got no chance. None. Tuesday will be fun to watch you come back with a new story about how you never were that high on Ol' Joe.
  6. The compassionate side of me agrees with @Buffalo_Gal's and others takes on it being sad. The rest of me hopes it continues. Let the world see Joe for who he truly is, and who he's always been: a corrupt POS with cognitive degeneration. It's his penance for a lifetime of graft on our dime. And if Jill isn't compassionate enough to stop the clown show, forget her too. She can go down with her old man.
  7. ... Wow. I’m not even mad, I’m just impressed.
  8. You and I are probably much closer to agreeing than you may think about the ultimate goal we both want with regards to Langley dictating foreign policy from the shadows. It’s been something I’ve objected to well before Trump. But if you look honestly at what Trump’s administration has done on this subject, he’s delivered and then some. He’s waged war against the CIA (and the IC as a whole) since literally his first full day in office when he went to Langley with Flynn by his side (DIA) and delivered a speech promising to destroy the CIA’s fifth column in front of their wall of honor. He’s resisted three different attempts to deepens conflicts in Syria and Iran. All the while, his administration has gutted illegal finance networks/slush funds (some tied to Langley for that exact kind of black bag work) and decimated both ISIS and Hamas without sending battalions across borders. And all without hardly any media coverage or acknowledgement. The foreign policy you’re ascribing to Sanders is being done by Trump right now. Better than Sanders could ever dream. Here you’re missing the forest through the trees. You use the word “Republicans” when you really mean the IC and unelected CIA suits trying to dictate policy behind the scenes. Russiagate wasn’t concocted by Democrats. It was run by unelected people within, and at the head of, the CIA, FBI and DOJ. You say you want a candidate who’s going to stop the CIA’s tradition of running coups in foreign country’s for malicious purposes — and I agree. But they did that here, just in this past election. And Bernie helped. Because he’s not an outsider bucking the system. He IS the system. He’s part of the machine. Bernie can’t touch Trump on foreign policy — if he tries he’ll lose by an even larger margin. Pinning Yemen on Trump belies your own misunderstanding of what is happening in that conflict. Ditto with Venezuela.
  9. It means it's a nice day for a white wedding...
  10. https://www.cnn.com/2020/02/27/politics/dan-goldman-leaving-intelligence-committee/index.html
  11. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/top-gop-rep-suggests-durham-probe-will-lead-to-charges
  12. Posting this for the shirt Caputo is wearing...
  13. Not unless you like mocking day drunks.
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