You don't have democrats running. You have a communist/socialist (definitely worse than Trump), a former republican (who's FAR more authoritarian than Trump), and a corrupt POS who spent his lifetime ripping you and me off.
[Though, for clarity purposes, I don't think that applies to ALF. I like ALF a great deal, and he has brought good stuff to this community for years. He's a good dude and we agree on much more than we disagree on.]
The economy is strong. You have to stop being a victim of the moment and step out of the mass media disinformation cloud, my friend. They are not your allies.
Which is how you end up with a socialist, a republican, and a corrupt and senile POS as your three leading candidates.
Perhaps you should adjust your calculus some... There are worse alternatives than DJT. Those three being at the top of the list.