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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://mobile.twitter.com/NatSecCNN/status/1235273495371800578
  2. Incorrect. Read the thread. And remember our bet and how it evolved It evolved because you kept conflating the two positions. Joe can’t win. He has no chance.
  3. (It would be hilarious if he drops out to run as an independent.) *He won't, just saying it'd be funny
  4. Incorrect. I've railed for months that Joe can't win the general. I've said repeatedly the primary is irrelevant because the DNC can rig it if they wish (and they are). Hence our bet.
  5. Gary, trying desperately to run from his own stupidity: *****************************
  6. Broken brain + intellectual cowardice produces results like the above. Instead of taking the L, he chooses to be a dishonest asshat. Why his reputation as a complete waste of carbon is entirely deserved.
  7. Again, whatever his faults, Trump being a germophobe makes him a good fit to fight this particular issue.
  8. It's apples to apples. Unless you're a dishonest person with a broken brain. The claim for three years is Russia's 100k swung the election. It was always bull####. Bloomberg's spending spree shows why. (as did Hillary's spending spree in 2016, but broken brains didn't get it then either)
  9. Broken brain still misses the point. (Because his brain is not only broken, it's now a rotted out husk)
  10. Gary: $700m can't swing an election, but $100k did. Broken brain.
  11. But calling killers and rapists killers and rapists does! (or something)
  12. "Spreading conspiracy theories" ... from the same guy who literally still spreads the proven debunked "Trump/Russia" nonsense (for 4 years now). Broken brains aren't the best things to take into battle during an information war.
  13. Because, I'm betting, like a rational adult you realized substance "trumps" style. The TDS addled minds want style over substance. They'd rather have a president that lies to them, spies on them, cheats elections, and subverts the republic/constitution so long as he/she says the right things and has the right demeanor over a president who says childish things while implementing policies/agendas which have decentralized power, restored sovereignty to individuals, and is actually trying to improve the country rather than simply profit from its downward slide. Because they're broken people.
  14. He can't beat Trump. Which will only make your torment the next 5 years all the more hilarious.
  15. (Last week) Schumer/Pelosi: "We need more money to fight the outbreak, delaying or shortchanging it is a CATASTROPHE!" (This week) Vote. Them. Out.
  16. If you ever needed proof the "RUSSIA!!!" cries were based entirely on bull####:
  17. Bernie Bro mentality this morning... it's going to get uglier in the coming weeks/months for the DNC as the party warfare intensifies.
  18. (It's not going away, Joe/Dem establishment... )
  19. And a lot of dems who voted Biden in open states are actually Trump voters/walkaway types.
  20. Yup. Here’s the rub: Joe was intimately involved in SpyGate as was Hillary. That’s the only reason why I can buy James’ take. It’s not a coincidence every guilty party involved in SpyGate suddenly swung to Joe in the past 48 hours — they know he’s their only hope to sweep it under the rug for good. HRC as VP/Pres would guarantee it. (but it won’t matter, even with HRC Joe can’t win because of what you said above.)
  21. Might want to re read that first sentence of my response
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