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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Truth. But the DNC isn't interested in doing what's right. They are in self preservation mode. And blowing it. Because their brains have been broken (and their graft exposed) by Trump.
  2. https://mobile.twitter.com/thebradfordfile/status/1236436596964163584
  3. Proving again what a dishonest (mockingbird) hack Hayes truly is. But we should listen to his reporting and take heed... ***** off, Chris.
  4. ... TLS? Trump Lemming Syndrome? (I can't crack that one, help a brother out.)
  5. While not definitive proof of extraterrestrial intelligence or life, certainly this admission by the USN is irrefutable proof that our understanding of physics, aeronautics, and propulsion is pretty narrow: We now live in a world where the US government and US Navy have disclosed the presence of advanced technology, not of our own design (most likely) that's come from somewhere -- after 70+ years of outright denials, lies, and smears to attempt to keep that secret from the people. That's a massive shift in our reality that many people didn't even notice or comprehend when it occurred. Partly this seismic shift was softened by decades of mass conditioning to the possibility/likelihood of advanced life somewhere out there in the form of media & entertainment -- people's responses to this change was more "yeah, I knew that already" rather than "holy *****!". Regardless of how the disclosure went over, we now live in a reality where the US Gov't admits we are not alone on our own planet -- let alone the universe. (Makes me wonder what else they've kept from us and why. )
  6. The default position of globalists are that all institutions are perfect, and immune from criticism or skepticism. That's why they are losing across the globe.
  7. If the party had balls, they'd kick him out. But they don't. So they won't.
  8. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/obituaries/article240878706.html
  9. 2016: DNC runs a highly unlikable pro-regime change war candidate, deeply corrupted by financial corruption and scandal in multiple countries... 2017-2019: DNC wonders why they lost and vows to do something different next time. 2020: DNC runs a highly unlikable pro-regime change war candidate, deeply corrupted by financial corruption and scandal in multiple countries... They've learned nothing from 2016. And it's hilarious.
  10. Yup. Though the most interesting news (even though it's not news) is that the FISC believes there are DOJ/FBI personnel under CRIMINAL investigation. (like Horowitz said and GarBoTibs still deny to this day as being real)
  11. He needs a female POC or he's sunk. It'll be Abrams or (dream scenario/least likely) M. Obama. Warren could be the pick if Abrams passes, Harris is a possibility too but I still think Abrams is who he wants.
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