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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. There's no question turnout is increased for all sides due to this news, we're in total agreement there. But the issue is that (for the Senate) that's killer for the DNC's game plan. They were counting on many republicans in traditionally red-ish states staying home in protest of Trump (think Mitch's race, think McSally in AZ, think Tillis in NC, think Loeffler in GA). That won't happen now as those red state voters care more about SCOTUS than POTUS. Not only that, this news risks causing a fracture between the Bernie Bro Progressive wing of Joe's base and the Clinton/moderate wing of his base.
  2. The People don't make the calls with the establishment class. They've made that quite clear. They defer to authority, and that authority at present, those in charge of the DNC, are only about retaining power for themselves, not the people they represent. They've proven this over and over and over again. The GOP has as well for their own constituents. The establishment rot is bi-partisan in nature and its corruption. Yet, if you go by actions, not words, it makes his case much stronger than yours. "Evil" is a loaded word, I wouldn't choose to use it for 50% of our establishment ruling class. But it's not an unfair description either when you consider the long list of crimes against humanity committed by the few for the purposes of either retaining their own power or lining their pockets -- and that isn't solely on the left or right, it crosses the political spectrum within that class. Those reasons being the liberal media establishment says they're rapists without evidence to support it? Come on, now, Cap. You're better than that. This ignores the context of the day, namely that there was an ongoing coup attempt anchored in part by the democratic party (especially the judiciary committee) all because they refused to peaceful transition of power. It's war, Cap. Pretending that it's not is a sure way to get your analysis wrong as you're doing here.
  3. This looks like it escaped from Jim Henson's workshop.
  4. It's hilarious to watch the left get hoisted by their own petard over and over again. Understandable and even commendable. But honest question, if the left were in the position Trump is today, do you think they would hesitate or ram someone through? This is the party that wants power at any cost. If you want to beat them, you have to FIGHT them on their terms. That means doing things like this. Beat me to it. But it does apply to the political class of your chosen party. They're the ones who count since they're the ones making the call, no? That's not possible now with this news. RBG's death tilts the Senate races that might have gone blue back into firm red territory.
  5. https://mobile.twitter.com/ScottJW/status/1307300030546665473
  6. You’re such an unbelievable pansy it’s kind of hilarious.
  7. No Chance Joe has already called a lid for today A huge day politically, on the heels of major news, and Joe can’t be bothered to work past 8 am.
  8. It’s not crass to point out a political reality. The virus goes to the background now, the next 45 days will be all about the court vacancy.
  9. Thanks. Knew I was forgetting someone.
  10. Collins was the first to say publicly she’s out. Romney is two — not sure there would be a third. But if there is, Mitch will walk it back after a head count.
  11. Mitch is promising a vote before the election...
  12. Well, Mitch is promising a vote:
  13. True. But they'll have to find ways to swing states that are deep red when it comes to these issues (non Trump conservative issues), at least when it comes to this Senate election cycle. All the "vulnerable" GOPers just got a boost. The House will be interesting. The GOP needed a huge swing to have any shot at swinging the House -- but this will drive up turnout for those "vulnerable dems" in House races the right was targeting, making them tougher to beat. It's likely the DNC will hold the House while losing 10 or so seats. I think this news helps both Trump and Biden with their bases -- but (imo) it helps Trump more. It brings his party together, those republicans who turned their noses up at Trump will turn out for a seat on the court. Yet for Biden, it threatens to shatter the fragile alliance within his party between the moderates and progressives. He'll have to release a list, not sure how he can thread the needle to appease both those camps. I missed that completely.
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