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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Show me a link. Go. (You can't) And you're still running. Wonder why? Could it be you know that you're backing a dangerous situation simply because you'd rather have your team "win" than do what's best for the republic? Nah. Can't be that, right? Not when you're spending so much time doing a victory lap and inventing nonsense... doing anything and everything to avoid answering an honest and direct question.
  2. You're asking me to concede to something I never said -- what I did say about Super Tuesday and got wrong, I copped to I've said from the start that Joe can't win. He can't. He's toxic. And from the start I've said that about the general not the primary which can be rigged (and is being rigged). The question to you is how you HONESTLY feel about supporting a candidate with severe cognitive decline, with a history of corruption, who is all but admitting he will be a puppet for those around him. Do you think that's a positive for the country, to have a man who's a puppet being run by unelected officials from the shadows? Is that who you're really going to throw in with?
  3. Still won’t answer. Still being dishonest. Im going to have fun picking your avatar.
  4. Dishonest as ever, Bob. Never stop making an ass out of yourself. It’s your brand.
  5. So Joe is either lying or so senile he’s forgotten his own platform. And you consider this a positive. Because TDS has rotted your brain. I copped to being wrong on Super Tuesday. I haven’t been wrong on my initial premise. At all.
  6. https://mobile.twitter.com/JarradKushner/status/1237452859970486272
  7. November 3rd, 2020 at the ballot box.
  8. More proof the left can't meme -- or can they? Oops. PedoJoe.
  9. I'm expecting an appeal -- but not sure if it's happening yet. (and yes, the leaks and spin will be off the charts the moment they get their hands on it)
  10. This is such an important point. It's bigger than petty partisan politics. Always has been.
  11. Yet you won't answer the very simple, very direct question about Joe. Why?
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