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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. No, saying he's "full of *****" and wanting to take him outside "to slap him" is being cussed out.
  2. I have to read it -- I haven't been impressed with what I've seen so far:
  3. So what, exactly, would a “return to normal” look like under President Biden? How would a mix of grudge-carrying Obama loyalists and untested socialist newcomers govern since it’s unlikely Biden actually will be in charge? This is a shortlist of what Biden and company promise to revive: A time when the news media fawned over a Democratic president, covered up his conspicuous corruption, and instead blamed any malfeasance on the underhanded machinations of his Republican foes. A time when the permanent Beltway “expert” aristocracy, now exposed as hostile if not subversive to the broader interests of mainstream America, ran the show. A time when it was not only acceptable but heroic for the president publicly to condemn the rulings of a federal court—including the highest court in the land—without demands for apologies. A time when the plight of “kids in cages” was ignored. A time when the political punditry class of the Left and Right wasn’t “exhausted” from doing their jobs, i.e., keeping close tabs on the White House, challenging the truthfulness of statements made by the occupant of the Oval Office, and questioning the travel expenses, furniture costs, condo rental agreements, Christian faith, or marital well-being of various presidential aides. A time when phone calls between the president and world leaders remained classified information and, God forbid, were never exploited for political gain. A time when daily press briefings were cordial affairs—devoid of sexist grandstanding and frequent outbursts by ostensibly objective journalists—with plenty of jocularity between the president’s spokesman and swooning members of the White House press corps. A time when the Justice Department, State Department, Central Intelligence Agency, Director of National Intelligence, and a secret spy court operated clandestinely to execute a political hit job with nary a raised eyebrow from the media or a member of Congress. A time when a British operative could act as both an FBI source and a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch while planting negative stories in the media weeks before a national election and no one considered it meddling or “interference.” A time when a scandal-plagued president and his administration could claim they were “scandal-free” and the brainwashed news media regurgitated that provable falsehood as fact. You get my drift.
  4. Harris would be a MAJOR mistake for the Biden campaign to make. She's viewed as being a "cop" and thus not progressive enough. Joe's already going to eat ***** on the crime bill and his (many) gaffes about black folk -- adding Kamala whom black folk didn't rally around would only make those weaknesses bigger. It'll also do major damage to Harris's long term career path. She'd be better off rejecting the offer if it's made.
  5. Hanging your hat on that, despite everything else that's come out in the years since, just shows that you don't care about the actual issue. And never did. The only question is whether that's due to you being unable to comprehend the actual issue (likely due to your cognitive difficulties), or if your'e just too dishonest to admit you got it wrong. Maybe both? Either way, it's why you're the village idiot down here. Protected by most, just so they can whack you over the head when they feel bored.
  6. Thank you for sharing your information (not just this post). Stay safe. (same goes for @GaryPinC )
  7. I have a production meeting today with a group of (lovable) Bernie Bros and Sisters. It'll be purely anecdotal, but I can't wait to hear their take and plans.
  8. I really hope he doesn't drop out and forces Joe to debate. *********************** https://uncoverdc.com/2020/03/11/dear-democrats-its-time-to-accept-that-youre-getting-four-more-years-of-trump/ Written by Dr. Karlyn Borysenko
  9. (for @GG who astutely pointed this from day one or two)
  10. "This kind of thing is disgusting..." (said without irony after three years of pushing the same story -- without evidence or facts to back it up -- about Trump)
  11. Worth the listen: https://tunein.com/podcasts/Talk/Dark-To-Light-p1123593/?topicid=139682287
  12. It's definitely the plan. The plan is not to let Joe run the country, they know he's incapable of it. They know he's too stupid even when he has all his marbles. Joe is a controllable asset. Nothing more.
  13. 23 years in NYS for Harvey. He plead for mercy, claiming he's "scared for this country". Too bad, Harv. Enjoy what you've earned.
  14. It was posted a few days ago that the stutter would be trotted out to defend him. And like clockwork, @transplantbillsfan comes down here to repeat that very talking point once he downloaded his NPC updated from the DNC hack cloud. The worst the DNC could do is run a candidate with even more flaws than Hillary. And yet, here we are. The DNC is once again foisting a corrupt, establishment politician who has been spectacularly wrong with every major foreign policy decision he’s ever weighed in on, who was wholly owned by the credit card companies for decades, and who abused his office for personal financial gain for DECADES. Biden has no chance to win. None.
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