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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Because you could have used the actual clip -- instead you used a doctored one calling people *****. You're too dumb to understand what you even post. Because you're a clown. ***** off now. No more with you.
  2. We'll add racist to your accolades as well. Waste of carbon.
  3. https://amgreatness.com/2020/03/12/instead-of-bracing-for-coronavirus-democrats-focused-on-impeachment/#.XmurmhnyFWg.twitter
  4. We know you love to laugh at the death of Americans. Like you did in Benghazi. Like you've been doing with Trump. Lovely reputation you've carved out for yourself down here: an unrepentant asshat who lies, pushes Russian disinformation, and laughs at the deaths of American servicemen and innocents alike. A disgusting person with no redeeming value.
  5. His son confirmed just now.
  6. (Sad trombone sound) So many (disgusting) dreams crushed.
  7. Yup. Bring those supply chains home.
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/RealCandaceO/status/1238469123350204417 https://mobile.twitter.com/rising_serpent/status/1238477533798174720 ... Meth and an ***** eh? (Maybe Ed Buck isn’t an outlier)
  9. Your sense of humor needs a tune up
  10. And it’s not a conspiracy regardless. There’s no conspiratorial element to what you theorized.
  11. I'm not there with my own (limited) analysis personally, but I understand how those pieces could all fit together. I see it as being far more likely that this was an accidental release/outbreak stemming from either incompetence or ineptitude by the CCP (specifically when it comes to their bio-weapons lab in Wuhan). The bug got out one way or another, and the CCP bungled the containment early on, then (purposefully) covered it up which screwed the rest of the world in the process. But I'm as always open to being wrong there. The only thing I know for certain is that I don't know everything -- especially about infectious diseases. We're in REAL interesting (and dangerous) times at the moment because of the shattered trust and faith in so many of our institutions and national messengers. That shattered trust was earned, for a myriad of reasons, but it's created an information vacuum all the same. It's likely never been more crucial to have high levels of discernment and ability to sort through the (literal) fake news to find verifiable/truthful information. The work done over the past several years sorting through the "Russia!" et al noise should pay off for those people who took the time to really hone those skills.
  12. False. But you've proven you don't care about logic or reason, only feelz. B has been a part of this community for a long time and is one of the nicer people you could hope to interact with. He provides information from his POV and it's up to the reader to read or disregard. That's how adults usually start conversations and the board is better because of his presence.
  13. His theory is that everyone's an extremist but for him. Of course, he bases this on nothing but his feelz. Because reason and logic don't seem get past the head gear.
  14. Of course it's noteworthy (if not predictable) that this entire debate will be buried with everyone focused on the Wu-Tang Flu. It's arguably the most important topic of our time -- how much power do we give the state when it comes to spying and our civil liberties -- yet it'll live or die without a larger national conversation about it's extension/existence. (That's NOT to say there's any connection to the outbreak and this, it's a happy coincidence for many people in power however)
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