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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. You've been wrong 1000% for years, so ***** off. You tried to doxx me, got that wrong. You tried to dunk on everything for Russia, got that wrong. You're a terrible poster who brings nothing to this board. ***** off. (and half the ***** you just posted is flat out false -- but discerning truth from fiction has never been your strong suit.)
  2. It's not "plan (sic) bonkers" -- it's your EARNED reputation Tibs. You're a blight on this board. And you revel in it because you're a sad, tiny person with nothing to offer. ********************* France now.
  3. Canada's closed now... I thought that was RACIST just last week. ********************
  4. You constantly post histrionics straight from the MSM spigot, 99% of which turns out to be wrong. Then, rather than admitting you were wrong, you double down on idiocy like "WHERE ARE THE TAPES?!". You're a fool with a broken brain. And your posts contain weapons grade stupidity more often than not. Specific enough for you? **************************************************************
  5. Bring those supply chains back home.
  6. Also, from people on the inside of the administration, a four day federal lockout is being considered. Confining everyone to their homes for four days. This is not approved or confirmed to be their pick, but it's being debated right now.
  7. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lockheed-martins-hewson-step-down-120127750.html https://finance.yahoo.com/news/lockheed-martins-hewson-step-down-120127750.html
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