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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. If it was, you wouldn't be able to identify it as such.
  2. Lies. Again. This was what you first responded to. And your response was to call me an idiot. Note the topic in bold. How much money does Disney, Time Warner, Universal take from China yearly? Do you know? How much do they cater to the CCP in terms of editing their content? Do you know? Yeah. You're wrong again, *****stick.
  3. Moving the goalposts once you get shown up. Because you're an asshat. Your original position was that the media wasn't parroting the CCP. They are. And have been from the start. You lost that argument, so instead of admitting it, you change the subject and claim victory. Your ***** is tired and weak, old man.
  4. I posted multiple pieces of evidence. You ignore them. Because you're a dishonest asshat who doesn't understand that the US media is in bed with the CCP, and has been since the early 2000s when their parent companies (who are all in my business) figured out there was more money in China than here to spend on their products. You're 100% wrong. China has been pushing disinformation on Corona since the beginning. The first outlets who pushed "it's racist to say that!" are CCP shops. Facts are stubborn things.
  5. The media who is owned by the CCP you mean? Yeah, you're an asshat who knows nothing about what's happening. You keep proving it.
  6. Fox news is establishment. Just like ABC/NBC/CNN/MSNBC/NYT/WaPo et al. Like with all outlets, some good content/reporting can be found but you have to REALLY dig for it and hone that discernment.
  7. That was my first thought. She's more beast than woman now.
  8. Wrong. Again. Could just admit it -- but you'd rather be dishonest and go down with the ship. Because, as you've proven beyond a doubt with you're weird flex of "I'm PRO abortion!", you're a truly ***** up person with nothing of value to offer.
  9. In our age of disinformation, an important thread to keep in mind. [Edit: Thank you for the reminder. One motivation for starting/maintaining this thread is as a source of vetted information. I would be happy to hear of any inaccuracies [PM please], but so far all the PM's I get say something like "I have a friend who's a doctor/scientist/epidemiologist and I haven't found anything that disagrees"]
  10. Lots of chances to see what's really happening if you take the time to look.
  11. ****************** And the NCSC just proved how uninformed @Crayola64 is. Why, it was just yesterday he claimed the CCP didn't start the whole "the virus started in the US/calling the virus Chinese virus is racist". Oops. ********************
  12. Nothing like bragging about intentionally trying to bother people during a crisis. What a guy.
  13. There wasn't a single mention of Biden in that post you quoted, or him being a Nazi guard. Not one. You're a lunatic.
  14. ... (shrug) ... I don't love the telegraph in general, so this is just sharing not endorsing.
  15. It does. I had to read it twice because my first instinct was to disregard it since he's just Amb to Germany... but not anymore. As acting DNI that's a pretty damning statement. Something has to be coming from the international community about it all. Sounds like China won't be happy.
  16. Got it. The fact you think that makes you come off as any better only proves how ***** up you actually are.
  17. Again, you're a truly ***** up person. Believing it should be legal is not the same thing as being "pro abortion" as you stated. And normal people, even those who are pro choice, are not keen on saying they'd abort a baby for a paycheck. It's time for you to stop posting. You're only exposing yourself to be a truly horrible person.
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