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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. A few days ago, Trump made an opening statement at a briefing about a JSOC rescue mission. No more details were given: https://www.wsj.com/articles/u-s-military-raid-freed-woman-held-in-honduras-11584993635 https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/03/23/secdef-offers-sparse-details-american-woman-recovered-secretive-military-op.html
  2. There is no fear in this dojo, Jrober. Toughen up. Fear and panic are the enemies in times like this.
  3. Wrong. He never said Fish Tank Cleaner once. Ever. But you know who did? The media. For days. You're wrong on every count here. You got duped. Because you WANTED it to be true. Because your brain is broken.
  4. Takes big balls to make a statement like this after you got duped by the most obvious fake news of the week just a few hours ago Once again you prove that you're a ridiculous person.
  5. Yup, that's the dilemma and I don't envy those who have to make that call. It's lose-lose potentially. It's Day 12 of my lock down, but only Day 5 of LA's 30 day lock down. So I'm in for a long month.
  6. CCP gonna CCP.
  7. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/breaking_news/article-8147765/Greta-Thunberg-says-coronavirus-isolating-father.html Trump just said that the hope (not plan, hope) is to have everything open by Easter.
  8. Her play now will be to sink the Senate bill in the House then say, "see! I told you!".
  9. You're still struggling to understand Federalism, aren't you?
  10. And of course it was the media who put it in people's heads that fish tank cleaner had the same drug: But they blame Trump -- because the media is not honest. They are programmers, not journalists.
  11. Or Libya. Or Benghazi. Or... She's as tone deaf as ever. I truly hope No-Chance-Joe picks her as veep.
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