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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. So, you don't know anything about federalism... at least you're admitting your ignorance now.
  2. He's full of it. Every expert yesterday pushed that order and this official is flaunting it. Not because of the CDC, but because they are rampant partisans who'd rather see people die than Trump be in office. Gary is the same way himself, as he's done nothing but support every illegal attempt to undo 45's election for the past three years. He lives up to his avatar.
  3. (Because they -- the liberal NYC officials -- want the virus to spread to own Trump. TDS is worse than 'Rona)
  4. Yup. For three years all the media has done is clamor for the WH to reopen the briefing room and give interviews not by a helicopter. Then that happens, people respond positively to Trump (which is what always happens the more people see him unfiltered), and the media completely reverses course. (Because they're not interested in truth or journalism, just pushing their agenda which is to hurt Trump and the country by extension.)
  5. This is the same affiliate who is not only in one of the country's hot zones, but also spent most of yesterday pushing the fake news story about the AZ man dying from ingesting fish tank cleaner (while leaving out the whole "he ingested fish tank cleaner). TDS is worse than the 'Rona.
  6. What's doubly hilarious about this tone deaf post: @transplantbillsfan made it the day 45 reaches his highest approval rate ever, and over 60% of the public agrees with how he handled the crisis. Secondly, he's still pushing "everyone who disagrees with me is a Russian bot" three years after its peak stupidity. You can't get more tone deaf than that combo.
  7. You're all the way wrong. The ones being hurt right now aren't the big corporations -- it's the small businesses who employ most Americans.
  8. No one is really saying that though. There has not been any concrete proposals or plans presented to the public, but it appears the plan is to reopen the economy in stages based on the data they're continuing to gather this week. If a state/city/area has low infections, that will be opened first compared to NYC let's say, or LA. And that makes sense. They'll keep studying the data, and use that to best inform how and when they reopen. Not giving any sort of signal in terms of the duration of the shutdown is poison for the economy and the morale of the people. The drips and drabs coming out today from the WH are attempts to reassure that this isn't going to be months or permanent, and that the end is coming -- all while couching it by stating that it's their "hope" not "plan". Which means they'll listen to all the advice from the experts before deciding one way or the other.
  9. No argument. But my point still stands. Being afraid, as Jrober seems to be, is a sure fire way to make a mistake in times like this. Panic and fear are to be avoided, not encouraged.
  10. NBC has long been the worst one. Enemies of the people. Treat accordingly.
  11. It's a fact that fear and panic are bigger killers in times of crisis than anything else. We knew bigger numbers were coming. Being afraid of it solves nothing. Panicking about it solves nothing. It increases the chances you'll get sick, in fact.
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