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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Warren's relationship with truth continues to be in flux.
  2. And comments like this are why: After months of "WHY WON'T TRUMP HOLD NORMAL BRIEFINGS?!" to "WHY WON'T TRUMP STOP TALKING TO THE PUBLIC?!" Asshats. All of 'em.
  3. If satire still existed in our modern world, comedians could have a field day with it.
  4. Joe's "top" expert falls on his face. No Chance Joe's team is a mess. Like their boss.
  5. https://variety.com/2020/film/news/nbcuniversal-ceo-jeff-shell-coronavirus-1203545780/ (NBC Universal, the worst one)
  6. If you want to have your eyes opened even more, I suggest going back through media clips discussing Trump/Russia from 2017-2019 knowing what we know for sure now: 1) That the entire thing was fiction from the beginning 2) That the media knew it was fiction and used it to divide the country and attempt to hobble the administration anyway. And for the bolded bit on corruption -- know this as well. During the "Russia" investigation, Trump was put under the most invasive and intense investigation possible by not only the Congress but the FBI, DOJ, and the United States Intelligence Services. They used the most powerful and invasive tools at their disposal to find any crime or corruption they could pin on him (because, as stated above and now proven, the FBI/DOJ/IC knew as early as JANUARY 2017 -- before he was sworn in -- that the Russia story was fake). They expected, like you, to find oodles of corruption and misdeeds they could then use to bury him either in the courts or the court of public opinion. What did they find in the end? Not a single crime or instance of corruption. Not one. The media has been lying to all of us for well before Trump showed up. But his administration -- for better and worse -- has allowed people to see the media's bias, shortcomings, and agendas better than ever before.
  7. https://mobile.twitter.com/TheJusticeDept/status/1243164275063042048 https://amp.miamiherald.com/news/local/article240892976.html?__twitter_impression=true https://mobile.twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1243182920652574720
  8. Joe, lying again to inflate his own CV... or is he just delusional? How can we tell?
  9. I've explained it numerous times -- you keep ignoring it. Polls are narrative drivers, nothing more. And the day the narrative (nationally, not just within Trump circles) is that 60% of Americans agree with his handling of the crisis and his approval numbers reach record levels for his term -- you thought it was a good time to post an attempted slam. And then capped it off with "BUT RUSSIA!" propaganda that's been debunked over two years ago. Why? Because your brain is broken. You've allowed yourself to get played. Hard. They want you emotional, not rational. And you oblige like a good little NPC. November will be tough for you.
  10. No Chance Joe -- pushing "his" Green New Deal at the expense of relief packages to the victims of this crisis. That's a good little establishment drone, never let a crisis go to waste. The only people thinking this guy has a chance to win are those with delusional levels of TDS, or literal enemies of this country hoping to take us down. ******************* Seriously. ***** Congress.
  11. No Chance Joe --pushing a deeply divisive partisan pipe dream in a time of crisis, and willing to hold up relief packages to get it. Add this to the new Dem hope that all Joe needs to do to win is "not die", and you have a perfect cocktail of delusion and TDS keeping his entire campaign a float. Joe's got ZERO chance to win. He's never had a chance.
  12. But it couldn't have (and still can't) because we live in a world of limited resources. The only effective way to distribute them is to triage them.
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