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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. I'd be curious to see if that changes over the coming weeks or not. I'm (clearly) no doctor, so I have no way to really double check any clinical information I come across other than by relying on medical experts. It seems odd that France and India both would be hoping on the train if it wasn't showing results -- but I guess we'll see over time.
  2. You should be. He's done nothing but demonstrate what a waste of carbon he is as a human being. He brags that he'd murder a child for a big enough check, flexes about being PRO abortion, is incredibly dishonest in nearly every post he makes. He's worse than most of the other clown show down here because he celebrates his own depravity while the others are too dim to even be aware of how depraved their philosophies are.
  3. I said over a year and a half ago that the Fed was going to be restructured and defanged -- we're seeing it now. No one is really reporting on it, which is odd considering the apparent enormity of the shift. Good times ahead.
  4. Trump's tweets are his biggest strength and biggest weakness all at once. But they're only a weakness because of the media's complicity in the partisan game of "gotcha" they've been waging since 2017 -- most of it done under false pretenses.
  5. I just got an update from a government friend (military) who says the trials have been so successful that the suspicion is they've known for awhile they would work. People are coming off ventilators in under 72 hours with the Z-Pack/Hydro combo. Early days still, but some light at the end of the tunnel.
  6. Want to be mad? Want to see how badly the WHO is corrupted by the CCP? Watch the video and then remember this is the same guy who was held up as a paragon of virtue and a reliable source of information for weeks — until people started realizing the WHO is full of CCP shite. https://mobile.twitter.com/wilfredchan/status/1243887606569590784 more https://mobile.twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1243927061766512640 But “trust the WHO” amirite?
  7. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/feds-cure-risks-being-worse-110052807.html
  8. She's long been an enemy of this country. She just has good press to hide it.
  9. He didn't say it was a plan (until well after his initial tweet was circulated widely)-- he said it was already happening when it was not. BIG difference. He's a fear-monger with an agenda.
  10. **************** And of course Gar left this out because he's as always, dishonest to his core:
  11. Uh -oh... time for more "Trump's press conferences are killing people" memes I guess.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/joe-biden-faces-sexual-assault-211641946.html No Chance Joe -- #BelieveAllWomen (Unless they make a D look bad, then they're liars -- that's how it works, right?)
  13. *************** And now he's totally recanting.
  14. Jesus. No wonder their party is in shambles.
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