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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Bill Gates thanks you. (hard pass on any vaccine they try to shove down our throats with limited to no testing)
  2. That's not an opinion. That's a dodge of the question. You don't know which way will be "worse". Everyone, every single person (even those you wished death upon just last week if they dared to disagree with you), wants the "least worst way". The question is, which one is worse? The virus or shuttering of the economy. The answer is, you don't know. So rather than say that honestly, you're doubling down on your usual histrionics while accusing others of being ridiculous.
  3. People won't stand for it, nor should they.
  4. So... you have no answer. Got it. You'd rather push fear than stop and think for a moment about the actual cost of what you're pushing. (because you've been programmed to be emotional rather than rational like a good lil' NPC)
  5. Will never work. This is asking for violence.
  6. In other words, this is just another excuse for Bob to shout: "ORANGE MAN BAD!" TDS is more corrosive than 'Rona. Bob is walking proof that it breaks brains. But they do somehow keep voting blue.
  7. https://www.wsj.com/articles/an-update-on-the-coronavirus-treatment-11585509827
  8. Anyone who's paid enough attention to Lieu to look into his background in the military and his voting record, knows the answer.
  9. **************** 30 more days will never hold. It'll get violent before then. We've freely given up our rights to help the cause -- that won't last. People will test the limits and then authorities will have a real decision to make.
  10. Swampiest committee head on the Hill.
  11. Brutal: People like Bob get their news from her, and wonder why they're so badly misinformed.
  12. Narrator: “Gary wasn’t better than that.”
  13. Do I believe some people have prescience/psychic abilities? I do. Do I believe everyone who says they're psychic or gifted in that realm? I do not. I've seen (a lot of) hucksters in my days in the entertainment world, and seen how they actually got their results. But, I've also seen more than one honest/real person do some astounding things which I still cannot explain without acknowledging the possibility of true psychic abilities. It only takes one such experience to make you a believer. Is this psychic ability a universal human talent that is latent in most of the population? Possibly. The US Government certainly seems to believe it's true enough to spend (hundreds of) millions of dollars on research projects designed to tap into this ability. The use of remote viewing and "psychic spies", or their attempted use at the very least, by everyone from the CIA to the USN to DARPA is not so easy to dismiss. Doubly so when you see the programs were not one-offs, but rather extended through decades and multiple independent projects. Is it just government spending and folly run amok? Possibly... ... but doubtful imo. My personal belief is that we, as humans, are much more powerful than we realize in many ways. A lot of time, effort, and treasure has been spent throughout the centuries trying to make us forget just how powerful our consciousnesses actually are -- both individually and collectively. But that's me. As for deja vu -- one experience when I was young, a really vivid recollection of having been somewhere before while visiting for the first time. It still shakes my dad up talking about it.
  14. POTUS agrees. https://mobile.twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1244338645198352386
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