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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Removing any lingering doubt she's a serious person/leader. The people are watching, and not buying what she's selling.
  2. I will say that some of the hardest working, dedicated, and patriotic gov't employees I encountered from 2017-2019 while conducting close to a 100 interviews, were the field agents in the FBI working out of LA, NYC, and VA. Their animus towards the political appointees/leadership/"7th floor" was visceral. Every time one of the big wigs got canned/fired/demoted/put under official review, my phone would blow up with celebratory texts from those agents. So I have faith there are far more bad than good apples (same with the IC shops I got the chance to meet with) -- but the bad apples all seem to congeal at the top. And all watch one another's back at the expense of the foot soldiers. In fact, it was this "code" which put General Flynn in McCabe/Comey's sites right away. His defense of Robyn Gritz marked Flynn as a threat to their conclave. Meanwhile, Flynn was already in Brennan's sites due to his work at DIA (DIA v CIA is still very real/hot). It was a chance to settle an old score, while also pushing forward the agenda of the 7th floor (depose Trump). That's the rub. I don't know the answer, other than there needs to be actual punishment (in terms of jail time) for the Russia plotters otherwise none of this will ever get fixed. I'm not certain just jailing a few McCabe/Baker/Comey types would do everything by itself -- but without it, there's no hope of any lasting change in culture.
  3. Oops. The internet is forever... things No Chance Joe's team doesn't understand.
  4. +1 -- but the media won't do it. Because fear sells better than hope. And their job right now is to make you afraid. **********************
  5. Because it wasn't a real investigation. It was fraudulent, and the entire upper echelon knew it from the start.
  6. That's all they can argue -- because they don't have the facts or history on their side. For three years they've been programmed to be emotional rather than rational. To see everything as "THE END OF THE REPUBLIC!" and that there are "LITERAL NAZIS IN THE STREET WHO ARE TAKING OVER THE COUNTRY!". The conditioning/programming has been so effective it carried the NPC crowd past the whole "Oops, all that Russia collusion stuff was fake, intentionally spread by the DNC, media, and Congress to divide the country" and moved immediately on to "just because he was found not guilty doesn't mean he's innocent -- LOOK AT WHAT HE DID IN UKRAINE!". Then when that whole thing fell apart due to an improper foundation (just like Russia) and a rampant case of projection, they were easily moved to the next panicked round of news stories designed to keep them emotional and uninformed. They were warned this would happen way back when Russia was just starting to pop. They didn't listen. They mocked instead. Now they're lost. ***** 'em.
  7. I got news for you, the press was NEVER neutral.
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/Techno_Fog/status/1244991550792314882 https://mobile.twitter.com/CBS_Herridge/status/1244992873419939842
  9. He's hilarious, no doubt. But technically he's the feature of the show (per the OP) -- which I only bring up as an excuse to talk more about it because I love that show Speaking only about their (McBride/Hill's) trilogy, which is littered with a bunch of amazing/hilarious side characters, it might be hard to top this one: He just chewed the scenery (in the best way) in the very few episodes he was in The only one who comes close to topping him for me, and it's only because she too doesn't qualify as a side character since she's a Gemstone, would be her: She cracked me up that entire season. Still the best boss I ever had.
  10. Possible explanation: Astrophysicist Gets Magnets Stuck in His Nose While Trying to Invent Face-Touching Alarm https://gizmodo.com/astrophysicist-gets-magnets-stuck-in-his-nose-while-try-1842560576
  11. (And later just destroyed Jim Acosta )
  12. All good questions I don't have answers to.
  13. When the "instant" test becomes available en mass. People will have to take it to go back to work (JMO, not citing a concrete plan) -- and from what I've gathered we're still at least 4 weeks from those tests being widely available. Maybe 3.
  14. OF COURSE the Langley plant is the one pushing this garbage... This is NOT 9/11 -- or won't be if we aren't (again) duped into surrendering FUNDAMENTAL civil liberties and freedoms in exchange for "security" which the government cannot possibly give us.
  15. Who could have thunk it? (everyone)
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