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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. He knows he lost. And lost badly. But because he's a dishonest (likely former poster) whose brain is broken, he'll now launch the GarBoTibs' defense of moving the goalposts, creating a straw man, then spiking the ball in victory only to have it hit him in the face like Carpenter's helmet See? Exactly what I said he'd do. He's now asking for a video -- of an event he posted. The video proves nothing. It's not about the video. It's about CONTEXT and what disability the reporter in question actually has. Unless he has spasms, then Trump's movements aren't mocking that guy. (unless you're an uninformed NPC like @BillStime is proving to be -- then it's PROOF!) Enough with you. ***** off, now.
  2. Wrong. Again. And you know it, hence your attempt to say I conceded when I did no such thing (because you're a dishonest person to your core). You got this story wrong for 5 years because you won't think for yourself. I'll prove it: Watch any video of the reporter in question. Tell me if he spasms. Answer: He doesn't. Thus, it's not mocking him. It is, in fact, a move Trump did many times before 2015 when not talking about that individual. You're WOEFULLY under informed. And you keep proving it. Your old handles were more fun.
  3. It's posted above, asshat. You're now fully embarrassing yourself. And it's glorious
  4. He's just upset at himself for being 5 years behind the learning curve -- then posting about it online so all can see how uninformed he truly is.
  5. "Trump mocks a reporter (who no one knows) who doesn't have spasms, by having spasms to mock his disability!" Not "Trump mocks a reporter for backtracking on a story by doing a move Trump's done countless times before about other people in his public life." /NPC logic Video of the reporter, asshat.
  6. Show a clip of him speaking. Or moving. Watch... he's still, not suffering from any seizures or movements. You've been had. Because you WANT it to be true rather than take the facts as they come.
  7. BTW, I'm not a Trump voter You're wrong again. He didn't. And I proved it. You lost, and it's proven by your inability to counter the argument. You've been had. And it's all your fault for trusting people who have done nothing but prove themselves to be liars willing to lie to your face for years (about WMD, about Iraq, about mass surveillance, about Trump/Russia, about Trump/Ukraine, about Joe's chances to win).
  8. Wrong. See above. If he was mocking his disability, he wouldn't be moving. You are LITERALLY parroting a story which was debunked almost 5 years ago. That's how uninformed you are.
  9. Wrong. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/the-medias-disabled-reporter-lie As everyone has seen by now, Trump in late 2015 referred to Kovaleski's backtracking at one of his rallies, saying, "[The report was] written by a nice guy; now, the poor guy, you got to see this guy…" Trump then started jerking his arms around and, in a mocking tone, said, "Ah, I don't know what I said! Ah, I don't remember!" If Trump's purpose was to mock-imitate Kovaleski, anyone watching would have never known it; and not just because no one would know who Kovaleski is, if the media hadn't manufactured a controversy. The media would have everyone believe Kovaleski has Parkinson's disease or at least Restless Leg Syndrome. Anyone can search "Serge Kovaleski" on YouTube and see videos of the reporter. He doesn't jerk his arms around, in fact, because his mobility is limited. He's still. A corpse would be doing a more accurate imitation.
  10. Question -- what kind of disabilities does the reporter have? Do you know? Hint, it's not Parkinson's or anything that gives someone the shakes. He's still, not wildly moving. Trump's actions were NOT mocking the reporter's condition, but his backtracking of a story. And it's clear if you watch the full speech. But you won't/didn't because you don't think for yourself. That's why you're wrong. All the way wrong on this one. It's long proven.
  11. His next move will be to say Trump praised neo Nazis "good people on both sides!" That will be followed up by him saying "Trump conspired with Putin to steal the election!" ... That will bring him up to about March 2017.
  12. And yet -- your FIRST example/post here is pushing a long debunked story about Trump mocking a reporter with disabilities. 2016 called. They want their talking points back.
  13. Cut them off unless they cut ties to the CCP, including leadership and the exec level.
  14. This was expected before the lock down too -- interesting he's still going forward with it. Could be a real quick way to get a bunch of jobs ready for when it's lifted. (though, it seems infrastructure bills never deliver there)
  15. I make of it that there is A LOT happening behind the scenes which we're not being told. I'll say that the (small) group of special operators I've become close to over the past few years are all completely silent. That alone doesn't mean much -- but in times past that only happens to this extent when they're active. Seems like a lot of the spook types/special operator types are REAL busy at the moment. Could be all 'Rona related matters (which in and of itself would be interesting), or it could be that the silent war continues to rage on despite the lockdown.
  16. McCabe's lawyer: "It wasn't political bias! It was incompetence!" Sure... that will work
  17. You mean he won't be able to top a fake controversy, wildly inflamed by a media complex who lied to your face? Ya. He can. And will. Except -- that didn't happen But you'd know that if you bothered to do any due diligence on the matter rather than take media at their word.
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