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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. So... your solution is what Trump did in February. Got it. More lies. But when you've proven yourself to be dishonest (which you are, Capco, very much so), nothing's stopping you from doubling down on one lie to another It's been reported in several outlets over the past few weeks. Iran got hit HARD. And still is. Because their leadership isn't interested in helping its people, only saving its own ass.
  2. Still pushing the CCP line, eh, Bill? You should be ashamed.
  3. And this is an excellent example of how dishonest of an asshat you truly are. The bolded was never said or implied in anything I wrote in our conversation. Instead, you agree with what I said (because it's inarguable) then throw in something which was never said and point and go: "SEE! IT'S NUTS DUDE!" And it is nuts. It's nuts for anyone to think you're a serious person whose brain has not been completely broken the past three years.
  4. Yet -- you're not talking about reality in any of your posts. You're instead holding people to account for not operating as if the world were perfect when you admit here it is not. Why do you do this? Because you're making a dishonest argument. *****************
  5. How did they get that way? What's the cause? Is it turning our backs on the entire premise of our republic over multiple decades throughout multiple administrations? Or did it all go to shite when Trump was sworn in? Honest answer only, please.
  6. *************** MSNBC gonna MSNBC. I'm very active locally in politics, and at the state level. Keep making yourself look silly. You're really doing good work here ************************
  7. That's not what I said, but dishonest people who have no argument to make, do things like this. You should care more about local and state officials than you do federal. Yet our media culture inverts that paradigm. That's why people like you, who are very uninformed about the basic fundamentals of how this country is supposed to work, are so lost in times of stress.
  8. What has Trump been doing since February? Cutting these regulations. As fast as possible. Again, you're living in delusional world where things happen immediately. That's not reality. Especially in a country this big, and with such a bloated, overbearing federal government. (that's not enough)
  9. That delivery style is why soldiers I know react this way to Milley pretty much 24/7: Local>>>>State>>>Federal That's the order of importance to your day-to-day life, especially in times of crisis. It's not the inverse, no matter how much prog-fascists like you wish it were. If you think they can do it overnight at the drop of a hat -- with the regulations they operate under -- then you're more uninformed than I have you credit for. (for those not watching)
  10. It's funny how the least informed posters out there (of which Capco has proven time and time again to be one) have no understanding of federalism and how our system is supposed to operate. It's almost as if they've been under-educated about how our republic intentionally for years.
  11. They're going to talk about the infected carrier I bet.
  12. Four hours now, and @BullBuchanan is still running away from the above discussion...
  13. What you consider bragging, isn't bragging. It was pointing out why the move has been pushed to stop airing the press conferences. Those who still don't understand how Trump communicates after three years of being able to learn, have only themselves to blame.
  14. More real time footage of @BullBuchanan -- now three hours into his display of intellectual cowardice:
  15. People can be awesome. Even in Cali. If you think Trump has been alone in dividing the country, then you haven't been paying close enough attention to what the establishment media and political powers that be have done in the past three years. Just saying...
  16. ************* I thought you ran away last week?
  17. https://www.nationalreview.com/the-morning-jolt/chinas-devastating-lies/
  18. FALSE HOPE! (err... oops) But keep on believing the media is playing straight with the American people.
  19. You used the word "consensus" above while talking about science. Science is NOT consensus. Saying consensus has a place in a scientific discussion proves you're no empiricist.
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