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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://www.jpost.com/International/Venezuelan-warship-shoots-rams-into-German-cruise-vessel-before-sinking-623422
  2. You LITERALLY did what you're projecting. You came on here touting this death as proof Trump's advice was killing people. Of course, it was a fake story that duped you (because you're REAL dumb), but that doesn't change the fact you LITERALLY wanted to leverage the death to dunk on Trump. Hypocritical projection. That's all you have left, TH3. Trump beat you.
  3. False. You didn’t independently come to this conclusion. It was drip fed into your addled brain by a combative and controlled media complex who has spent the last four years trying to destroy the man (after they got rich creating him of course). You’re basing your analysis entirely on emotion. Not logic. That’s why they own you. And that’s why you’re making a giant ass out of yourself today.
  4. And a large chunk of those examples just aren’t true and have long ago been disproven. Like the “he implied a moral equivalence” in Charlottesville — something that was disproven years ago but he still cites as fact. Broken brain.
  5. You haven't made ANY case. All you've done is expose your own mental shortcomings for the world to see. Per the bolded, that's nothing I ever said in this discussion. But, because you know you have no real argument to make other than one about your FEELZ, you have to invent what I said in order to argue against it. That's the move a broken man with an honesty problem does. Identity politics is more dangerous than 'Rona. One day you'll figure that out.
  6. I'll prove how poor your analysis is and how weak a position you've staked out for yourself, @Capco: Prove to me that Trump's decision to close off flights from China to combat the virus was driven by his racism. Show me the evidence -- not that he's racist, but that the decision he made was. And do it without using or regurgitating any CCP propaganda... Can you? No. You can't. All you have is your supposition that it was done because he's racist. Which, you have every right to believe -- and we have every right to point out how dumb a position it is to hold. Your brain is broken, Capco. You don't need to prove that anymore. You can rest easy knowing that everyone believes in it.
  7. Correct -- he was a spook, not a journalist. And a spook for the worst kinds of people. But the media doesn't want you to know that. They want you focused on "GET TRUMP!" -- because the media, like Brennan, is largely an enemy of the people.
  8. All you're doing now is proving that your brain is addled with a toxic mixture of unchecked TDS and identity politics. Citing Wikipedia as any kind of source -- especially on this topic -- is not an argument a serious person makes. Just like a serious person doesn't argue that there is any realistic comparison to the US and South Korea. Just like a serious person doesn't argue that there is any worthwhile analysis you can draw by comparing Medieval Europe and Asia to the 21st century global economy. ... But, as you just proved all morning, you are not a serious person. You're a broken person.
  9. Sweetie, honey, darling. I know you like it when I dominate you on this message board -- but that's not real life. I won't date you or bang you no matter how much you want me to. It's time for you to let me go.
  10. Gary, I told you. I don't want to date you. I'm sadly just a boring straight man. And if I were going to try dating a man, I'd want one with two fully descended testicles with something more than a mirco-peen to offer me. You just don't make the cut, sweetie. I know that's hard for you to accept but it's time for you to move on and let your dream of me banging you go.
  11. You stated you believe Trump closed off flights to China because of racism. You said that, not me. So don’t blame me for you being exposed as the mindless, TDS addled, broken brain dipshite that you are. You did it to yourself. Enjoy it.
  12. This has to be killing TH3. https://mobile.twitter.com/WashTimes/status/1245777574862749698 Trump was right. Again.
  13. He fully believes it. Because his brain has been broken by Trump and his intake of toxic identity politics. He’s removed any doubt about what he is. He’s a clown. Full stop. (they come out in pairs.)
  14. https://mobile.twitter.com/BryanDeanWright/status/1245783472330772480
  15. That's all good. My only point was that there has yet to be single anonymous source report from the WH that's been proven accurate. Especially one talking to Vanity Fair. He already admitted he believes Trump closed travel off from China simply for petty and/or racist reasons. Capco is not a serious person. His brain has been rotted by identity politics and four years of unchecked TDS.
  16. He managed to keep his rampant TDS under wraps for half the day today, but when your brain is that broken it just can't help but revealing itself.
  17. Continuing to remove all doubt that you're a serious person worth having a conversation with. "Never let a crisis go to waste when you can dunk on Trump!" What a good little NPC you are.
  18. There it is. Removing all doubt that you're taking this seriously, and not just a guy with a brain that has been destroyed by a toxic mix of TDS and identity politics.
  19. Really? Talk about revisionist history. In mid January, the experts at the WHO were busy placating China by spreading false information like the virus couldn't be spread human to human. Then another month was spent debating whether or not China was being honest with their numbers (spoiler alert: they weren't).
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