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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/united-nations-proposes-new-global-currency/ Uh... Pass. Thanks anyway, UN.
  2. ********************************************** Cowardice update: 48 hours later, @BullBuchanan is still hiding.
  3. Of course Biden supports a move that endangered the security of the carrier, its sailors, and the US's defense readiness. Because Biden has gotten EVERY SINGLE FOREIGN POLICY DECISION WRONG his entire career. Every one. No-Chance-Joe
  4. **************** Hell to the NO.
  5. They still are. ********************** This goes here too. Wonder how many CCP talking points Niagara Bill will trot out to deny/defend this...
  6. Get bent, 3M. *************************** Oh. Gee. Look at that. If only people had been talking about this from the start (while being scorned and having death wished upon them by the likes of Bob)... For those who haven't been tracking how the WaPo works: 1) First they'll deny the truth (it didn't come from a lab! it came from people eating bats!) 2) Then they'll lash out at anyone who disagrees and offers contrary evidence (like Senator Cotton -- who was called a racist conspiracy theorist for the past month) 3) Then they'll quietly admit their first take was wrong, without saying THEY got it wrong. 4) Finally, they'll attack people like Cotton for not acting fast enough. Because the WaPo is a piece of trash rag run by partisan asshats. Not real journalists.
  7. Found @Niagara Bill -- Way to go, Canada. Remove all doubt who really owns your prog-fascist government.
  8. You said it more succinctly.
  9. They can ignore it just like they ignored: * The fact the whole Russia scenario was not just a lie, it was a direct projection of what the HRC campaign did with Russia itself -- paying Russian (and British, and Italian, and more) spies for disinformation in order to influence an election. Trump did nothing -- Clinton/Obama/Brennan/Clapper did everything they accused Trump of doing plus some. Yet, this didn't once generate a moment of self reflection on the partisan/prog-fascist left. * The fact the whole Ukraine scandal was not just baseless, it was a direct projection of what MULTIPLE democrats and GOP establishment types had been doing in Ukraine for close to a decade -- including the DNC front runner. Yet, this didn't once generate a moment of self reflection on the partisan/prog-fascist left. These people are not serious people. They are lemmings, programmed to FEEL rather than THINK. And once you're more emotional than you are logical, all it takes is a few talking heads on the TV to convince you that there are Nazis marching in the street and Soviet style fascists controlling the White House. Then, anything is justified because you're fighting evil itself. Plenty of people, who are otherwise smart and talented on their own accord, have no idea just how brainwashed and controlled they've allowed themselves to get in the name of "ORANGE MAN BAD!"
  10. There's your issue. You presume most are sensible. Come to California and look around. You'll see while a PERSON can be sensible, PEOPLE are not. They are panicky, dumb, and have sipped on the fear spigot making matters worse.
  11. Just a reminder — the same asshat who said all this: (Most of which is completely untrue, especially about what others said) Spent the first half of March wishing death upon anyone who disagreed with his opinion. ... Asshats say asshat things — then run from them like cowards and try to claim the moral high ground. Be a better man, Bob. Or ***** off.
  12. Kushner just looks like a little boy who woke up one morning in a (very thin) grown man's body.
  13. ********************* It was a good line.
  14. Trudeau doing Trudeau things --
  15. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/490769-actress-ali-wentworth-wife-of-abcs-george-stephanopoulos-tests-positive-for
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