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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. You compared the removal of a Captain to the MURDER of doctors as if they were the same. I didn't do that. You did. That's because you're stupid. Too stupid to feel the hand up your ass which is moving your mouth on behalf of the CCP.
  2. Yes. You are. You're a parrot for the CCP whether you realize it or not, you've proved that already. That you're too stupid to understand that is why the CCP picks people like you to spread their screed.
  3. That you would compare the two -- a justified removal and OUTRIGHT MURDER -- (all without STILL not uttering a word against the CCP) shows me everything I ever needed to know about you.
  4. https://www.space.com/alien-life-hunt-mars-underground.html
  5. Oh, look at that. It's the interpreter too. If only that topic hadn't been discussed (at length, with evidence to back it up) two years ago. And MULTIPLE posters called it a "conspiracy theory". They, of course, were wrong. It's not a theory. Just a good ol' conspiracy. And they got played the hardest.
  6. Posting this source because I misplaced where I put the others... But these quakes have been happening A LOT, all at a specific depth, all right around 6.5 on the scale. (but I'm sure it's just a coincidence and not related to these:
  7. I suspect (and could be way off) that it's a USSS order combined with Trump's way of advertising the faster testing methods (while reassuring the public).
  8. I have a hunch the REAL difference between NY and CA is the reliance on mass transit combined with population density. In LA there isn't (really) any mass transportation, while in NYC you can't escape it.
  9. I take that news as a positive sign it's coming sooner than we might expect. Weeks rather than months. But again, I'm an optimist
  10. You're not coming off that way at all. No worries there. It's a tough time for a lot of small companies, including my own. We'll all get through it, and be stronger for it (optimist and all)
  11. Rooting for you, Dante, and your employees.
  12. Oh really? (They honed in four months ago from my sources ... but if they're publishing this now, he must be closer than I assumed)
  13. https://www.forbes.com/sites/markjoyella/2020/04/03/brooke-baldwin-becomes-second-cnn-anchor-to-test-positive-for-coronavirus/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
  14. Not one of the theories I've ever really put too much thought/credence in -- but figured it's worth sharing all the same, especially in light of a post yesterday from one of the new people who's name I forget about 5G.
  15. They can't. They need Joe to win to keep their own legacy intact (and some of them out of the clink)
  16. They know their only chance to win is to cheat (again)
  17. I hear you. But I'm not losing sleep over this. Lines need to be drawn -- with not just the CCP, but companies like 3M. Germany is not really our friend either -- but that's a different conversation.
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