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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Why? Do you want to wish death upon her as you did anyone who disagrees with you? Reminder -- the asshat above said this below, without hesitation or regret. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Letting the media off the hook is just as dangerous. They've been active co-conspirators in pushing blatantly false information on behalf of their actual masters within the USIC for decades to the detriment of the world and the people specifically. They do not inform anymore, they build narratives designed to push partisan agendas. Look back in just the past 20 years and see the body count: * 2001: MSM pushes FEAR of a tactic (not an enemy) to get Americans to go along with giving up some basic civil liberties in exchange for the promise of security from the federal government -- security which, the media knows the government cannot provide. *2002-2003: MSM takes the word of unnamed, unaccountable intelligence sources as fact and pushes WMD in Iraq on the American people. This results in a poorly thought out invasion of a country which cost the American people 4,000+ dead, 3 trillion + in treasure -- all while destabilizing an already tenuous region, taking the lives of over a million innocent civilians and allowing a vacuum to be created in which the enemies of this country (Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, AQ, and ISIS) all flourished. *2016-2019: MSM takes the word of unnamed, unaccountable intelligence sources as fact and pushes the "Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election". A narrative that was designed to unseat a duly elected POTUS against the will of the people through subterfuge and misinformation. The MSM literally sided with a backdoor coup attempt, pushed by a criminal element within the former administration and the Bush/Clinton machines. This divided the already divided country to unheard of levels, sparked a two year special counsel investigation -- all the while they knew it was not a real story as early as January 2017. They knew they were pushing a fake story on behalf of a corrupt IC contingent -- but did it anyway. There ARE good journalists and stories that can be found in every MSM outlet. While the above is painting with an admittedly broad brush, the pattern is undeniable. The MSM does not serve truth. They do not serve the people. They serve the intelligence community first and foremost, then their partisan troop. And while I agree with you that the individual bears responsibility for the information he/she consumes, it's harder than ever to find honest news because there's more information than ever before in human history. Most people do not have the time required to re-train their brains and learn how to properly discern. Because discernment is a skill. It requires time and practice to become proficient at. Especially in the middle of a (dis)information war. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Just a reminder: This is from the same guy who wished death upon anyone who disagreed with him. Honesty isn't his thing. Nor is basic comprehension or logic. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Of course you question it -- because you're a deeply stupid person who cannot read. My motivation is very clear, and has been written up dozens of times within multiple threads. It's REAL easy, ready? I love my country and this community. And, because I love my country and this community, I take offense to those corrupt politicians who abuse their positions of power in order to enrich themselves and weaken the country. That's been the trend throughout multiple administrations for the past 60 years, but it accelerated under Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama to unheard of levels. That's why, when I discovered that the entire Russia Collusion narrative was not only fake -- but being intentionally pushed by the Bush/Clinton/Obama machines and their intel heads -- I took the very lonely position to call it out for what it was. Joe is a part of that legacy. He's been wrong on every single major decision he's ever had to make in office -- laughably so. Worse, he's incapable of doing the job in his current mental/physical state, meaning he would be POTUS in name only and his administration would be run by a shadow cabinet full of the very same people who spent the past two decades keeping us poor, in endless war, and curtailing our innate rights as human beings. That kind of set up is fundamentally un-American as it cuts against everything we stand for as a republic. That's not hyperbole, that's fact. You, on the other hand, never bothered to do the work. Happy, instead, to mindlessly sip at the spigot of misinformation and turn off your brain in favor of FEELZ. That's why you've been 100% incorrect on every major story in the past three years. You got Trump Russia all the way wrong. You got Trump Ukraine all the way wrong. You fell, hook line and sinker, for a massive disinformation campaign because you FEEL rather than THINK. That's why you think there MUST be something more to my motives. I must be a "Russian bot" (because you're so far behind the curve you're STILL clinging to three year old debunked talking points as if they're fresh). It's because you're a silly person, with nothing worthwhile to offer a serious discussion on topics that matter. You typed ALL THOSE WORDS just to get to your real point. You wants out of a bet -- because deep down you know Biden can't and will not win. But because you're dishonest, you don't cop to that, instead you try to frame it as you doing me a solid That's weak game, bro, that works with your students (because they're children), not with grown people. I'm sorry, but that's just not going to happen. You're going to be rocking a Trump avatar for a year come November. And it'll be a good one, I promise. One that reminds you that when given the choice between truth and fiction, you chose fiction because it FEELZ better to your cognitive dissonance. -
The Thread For Greg's Stashes
Deranged Rhino replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The Thread For Greg's Stashes
Deranged Rhino replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
I didn’t vote for him last time — but if the choice forced upon us is Trump or Biden, it’s an easy choice for me personally. One is a narcissistic #######. The other is a corrupt, senile, and deeply flawed candidate with an abysmal track record and who wouldn’t be president as much as a puppet for the crowd who made it their mission to gut America for the past 20+ years. But that’s me. ********* https://mobile.twitter.com/Scavino45/status/1246655490886639616 -
I wouldn't be surprised if nations did, though I'm not aware of any off hand. Though, based on the shadows alone, whatever those are, they're quite large. Much larger than a satellite (and there are some big satellites). Of course, CGI is always a possibility, but if it is, it's well done.
Global warming err Climate change HOAX
Deranged Rhino replied to Very wide right's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Certainly the government has a major role to play, and you’re almost to the “how” if it all in the above. (IMO of course) Kennedy made landing a man on the moon a national goal — and people went with it. In part due to national pride, in part due to a fear of the Soviet threat. And you’re 100% correct that the Apollo program produced numerous benefits which we are still reaping today. I think very few would object to a similar national goal being set with regards to climate — even something bold. Where the rub comes is with the HOW of it all. The Apollo Program didn’t attempt to completely remake our economic model and form of government, as an example. It worked within both to accomplish its goal. The Green New Deal (and it’s variations) all seek to completely upend both in exchange for powers that, in the opinion of many, have little to no hope of solving the actual issue. The loudest eco-voices in government/media/academia know this to be true. They know it’s an uphill sell to the bulk of the public. The workaround to that has been to over-hype the urgency and push fear-mongering instead of an honest discussion about the topic. The subject itself, despite being about science, has become dogmatic rather than empiric. Models became bibles — to argue against them is met with scorn and vitriol. Of course the other side of the debate, largely the oil cartels, add to this with their own fear-mongering and hysteria. Both sides buy politicians, making the debate overly partisan to the point of making any sort of compromise feel impossible. So, since (imo) any “rational” discussion on this topic is nearly impossible without retreating into an echo chamber, allow me to circle back to your post above and give you an even more controversial/just-for- fun answer to how the government can solve the problem quicker than private industry alone. It’s actually pretty simple, and would be a complete game-changer that would give us a real chance to not only slow the rising carbon levels, but reverse it entirely. Permanently. How? Simple: declassify all the top secret patents related to propulsion. Declassify the truth about any recovered craft which (definitely) may exist. And then partner with the private defense contractors who are already proficient in building this tech to completely revamp our transportation industry and power grid. It would have an almost immediate impact, create millions of real infrastructure and manufacturing jobs at home and around the world. It would help the emerging nations get off coal decades faster, while reducing global poverty by leaps and bounds as energy becomes more efficient and cheaper for even the poorest of nations. If they did that, you could completely change the world within three generations while solving major issues within our society even beyond the environmental ones. Sounds nuts. I know. But the USN did just acknowledge these crafts — wherever they’re from and however they work — are real. Asking if any of them have ever been studied, beyond visual observation, seems like a logical next question. From a political “tent” perspective, that’s the kind of movement that could cross partisan lines. Which means you likely could get even more voices / pressure applied to the cause and pols elected at the ballot box. ? -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Posting for the video -- -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
100% -
The Media's Portrayal of Trump and His Presidency
Deranged Rhino replied to Nanker's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
They think their readers are REAL dumb. -
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
Gallows humor serves a purpose We are all in the suck, and must pass the time. You can either pass it laughing or crying. I choose laughing. -
The Thread For Greg's Stashes
Deranged Rhino replied to 3rdnlng's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The Next Pandemic: SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19
Deranged Rhino replied to Hedge's topic in Politics, Polls, and Pundits
The best was the camera was on Trump with Pence behind him -- Pence's stoic face was priceless -
You mean besides your own words. Here's a test. What's worse: A. Being fired by your government -- even wrongfully. or B. Being murdered by your government. See, it's obvious which is worse to everyone. Yet, you had thought that the two were equal and saw it as an opportunity to trash the United States. You liked that thought so much, thought it was SO brilliant that you raced to the computer and typed it up for the whole world to see. That's how much of a lunatic you actually are. That you deny being what your own words betray you as only underlines your dishonesty -- or your lack of intelligence. It's an either or proposition, like the question above. That's on you, Bill. No one else.
I agree. It's real dumb to compare the removal of a captain to the MURDER of doctors by the CCP as if they were the same. Which is what you did. And you're standing by it. Because you are a leftist who's pushing propaganda on behalf of a regime which right now is actively engaged in ethnic cleansing within its own population -- on top of its draconian state measures. To compare them as if they're the same shows the world that you are truly a breathtakingly stupid individual. That's on you, Bill. Own it.