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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. (Initial predictions were 2m dead. Ending up under 100k dead would be a HUGE win for the US and Trump's administration.) I would -- but you're not smart enough to comprehend well educated comments based on your (hilariously) short history. Trump NEVER said the virus was a hoax. Not once. Your meme is wrong. Because the left is terrible at memes.
  2. I have no hate for Faucci. He's funded by Gates. That's a fact, not hate. He has a motivation to push vaccines more so than treatment.
  3. Pushing fake news, long debunked fake news, is all he's got. Because he's a clown, not a serious person/poster.
  4. More reason to f the WHO and the UN. Shutter them both.
  5. Of course, GarBear is wrong. Fauci said he'd ask for it if he got it. (Of course, Fauci has a financial motivation to push a vaccine over treatment -- but that's not related, I'm sure)
  6. Oops. CBS got played. Again.
  7. My favorite part is where she says she doesn't know how to do it, but it can't be that hard. TDS is more lethal than the Chinese virus. Coward does cowardly things again -- no one is surprised.
  8. There's wild crazy attached to it -- as with any kernel of truth. But there's also a lot of truth to it. More than the image of Bill you're painting in your mind. He's an Epstein guy -- even AFTER the world knew he was trafficking children. That says a lot about Bill. I won't say one way or the other if he likes to ***** children, but he sure likes hanging out with people who do. That, for me at least, is a MAJOR red flag.
  9. Gates is a bad guy. All the way bad. He went to Esptein's island after the first conviction (plus several other times). He's a eugenicist with great PR, nothing more. Oh, and he didn't let his own children be vaccinated by his own product. But sure, other than his hanging out with child traffickers on the regular, at creepy occult islands, praising the idea of de-population (not birth control), and SELLING vaccines (not doing them for free), he's a great guy. Not since 2016 at least.
  10. I have some contact with a handful of the campaign team in CA and in DC. Internal polling from Team Trump is still through the roof as of Saturday. Joe's numbers (from Trump's team's data) has slipped 7+ points in WI, FL, PA and MI. Again, even Michigan. That means Trump is running close to 7-10 points up on Joe in all those states at present. They feel very confident still. Those thousands of people filling up arenas every week prior to this are still there. Sitting back, watching, and growing stronger the more the media and the DNC play themselves on the national stage.
  11. Of course the CCP excusing, genocide loving Bill bungles the recap of Atkinson’s record. Low information people believe whatever the resistance tells them to believe.
  12. All the models are being reworked with 20k+ less expected deaths based on new data. Putting us at 80k by August. Far less than the 2 million some have been screaming about, and far less than the 200k estimates which were reassessed two weeks ago. Now it’s in line with a bad, bad flu season. http://www.healthdata.org/covid (cue the sadness of the Tibs crowd)
  13. It makes sense when you remember he’s selling vaccines. Not doing them for free. (and it helps when you remember he believes in depopulation to save the environment, yet he spends his philanthropic time creating vaccines and fighting malaria — both of which run counter to that idea. Which is just to say, he’s a complicated guy.) Still haven’t answered the question... But that’s not shocking. You’re allergic to the whole intellectual honesty thing.
  14. I know it's surprising to you that people actually do love their country and care about their communities -- chosen and otherwise
  15. He did already in several posts. (It's called reading, I know you struggle with it, but I have faith you can do it!)
  16. Thread and article for consideration:
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