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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Absolutely. Mean it. Same goes to anyone within this community who's got friends/family fighting this thing, regardless of my opinion of their opinions. We're all in it together in the end.
  2. Have you calmed down yet? Are you realizing that your panicked predictions of millions dead was... overblown fear? I hope so, for the sake of your health.
  3. Still rooting for you and your family, BBF.
  4. Because many in the media/entertainment/DNC would rather see people die than Trump be proven correct. This has been the MO since 2016. ************************* For clarity on Fauci's stance, which shows GarBear is wrong (again)
  5. https://www.newidea.com.au/princess-mary-and-prince-frederik-take-the-danish-throne So... maybe the Greenland deal will go through now.
  6. Because that's a good way to win back your shattered credibility...
  7. For consideration -- still reading/vetting myself: https://archive.is/ONUmi All that hilariously misguided and counterproductive criticism the media piled on chloroquine (purely for political reasons) as a viable treatment will now go down as the biggest Fake News blunder to rule them all. The media actively engaged their activism to fight ‘bad orange man’ at the cost of thousands of lives. Shame on them.
  8. Again -- a low information poster thinks an actual indictment from the DOJ is a "conspiracy theory". Proving that he doesn't understand what the DOJ is or how it works. https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1239796/download
  9. https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related (The indicted Doc was funded by Gates)
  10. Proving you don't have the faintest clue how the IC works... or the Pentagon.
  11. Brutal. Just ***** brutal. No Chance Joe. But this is your horse @transplantbillsfan in the race, right? It's too bad you chose a horse with three legs and a senility problem. If only people had tried to warn you of his (SERIOUS) flaws...
  12. Narrator: He didn't end up leaving. Instead, he stayed and spread his ignorance to other parts of the board, much to the amusement of anyone with a fully functional frontal lobe.
  13. To continue basic social distancing measures / hygiene while working would be my bet, combined with the antibody tests and quick tests.
  14. Sweetie. I don't wish you away. You serve a valuable purpose here. You're a beacon of ignorance, shining brightly for all those who want to see how NOT to think for one's self.
  15. Huge drop in expected bed shortage.
  16. I'm not close to the edge, I promise. And I agree with what you say about the treatments, that's not my argument whatsoever. Gates is a bad guy. Real bad. His connection to the push for vaccines, through Fauci, is worthy of skepticism. You can't just pretend it doesn't exist if you want to assess the situation honestly.
  17. At least you understand you are very much the low hanging fruit. That's progress. Now a smarter person would seek to understand why that's true, and work to change it by becoming more informed.
  18. Without the audience, the acting towards the (empty) stands is even funnier
  19. Hey, I hear you. I do. I'm not pushing for Fauci's ouster. But color me skeptical of any Gates' plan. Guy is a bad guy. All the way.
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