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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Of course it would be you who falls for this story Only the dumbest and most dishonest would.
  2. The evidence that social distancing worked is evident in the numbers -- the ones that are showing you were waaaaaay off with your projections/fear-mongering. That you want to ignore them is no surprise, but it's not really honest.
  3. Less than 10. All with tiny populations. (but don't let details get in the way of the fear spiral you're still mired in)
  4. So... according to Cooper, the President of the United States is "hijacking this corovirus task force briefing every day" by... (checks notes) ... Talking directly to the American people, with the nation's top experts, and taking unfiltered/endless questions for nearly 2 hours every day. Got that? This from the same network which told it's viewers it was "illegal to read" WikiLeak documents for themselves and begged them to let CNN tell them what they contain instead. Not only are they exposing their true agenda (to cultivate reality, not present it truthfully to the public), it's hilariously ironic to hear this after months of listening to every major media mouthpiece whine about the lack of regular/ordinary/non-helicopter-involving press briefings. The reality is this continues to be the most transparent administration in history in terms of access to POTUS without a filter. Or, better put: That last gif is especially true/hilarious.
  5. Posting for the clip, because it was devastating to the media talking point they pushed all day. Gotta ask why the reporters didn't find this information out first before running with it... they could have called the Admiral. But, that would be doing actual journalism rather than what they're truly engaged in...
  6. Posting for the clip: Can confirm lots of the right kind of people are very busy.
  7. It's no coincidence Trump was asked a question about military operations against the cartels (and human trafficking networks specifically). Lots of operators are active right now. And busy.
  8. You think the FBI ... which I spent the past three years raking over the coals and digging into/exposing their corruption ... is paying me? Being that dumb takes talent. I tip my hat to you.
  9. Just POTUS talking about using the military to smash human trafficking rings during this crisis... (but nothing is happening)
  10. And the Admiral obliterated the talking point with his response about the IG not informing him of the issue despite writing the report in March.
  11. Trump just nuked Karl again. And deservedly so. Karl tried to wag his finger back. I would have tossed his ass out of the room.
  12. The above is what happens when you drink directly from the disinformation spigot. It not only makes you dumb, it makes your jokes turrible.
  13. https://mobile.twitter.com/BuckSexton/status/1247278654528372743
  14. Just last week you said using the word "draconian" was just trying to show off. You're even more dumb than I gave you credit for -- but every bit as dishonest.
  15. In a world turned upside down, it's comforting to know that you still have no clue and nothing to offer.
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