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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. After getting embarrassed, it's no surprise a handle change took place and the usual suspects are all talking to one another You've chosen to ignore content by Gary Busey. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Q-baby!. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Gary Busey. Options
  2. My thought was they're Chinese made and likely not effective -- so I can see Chinese docs overdoing it knowing that.
  3. ... Nothing to see here, just NBC parroting CCP statistics without a disclaimer. Why? Because NBC Universal is the worst one. Always has been.
  4. Reading is hard. That's not at all what he wrote. But again, you're DUMB AS *****, so of course you don't understand how stupid your comments actually are. That's how dumb @BillZtime is... And he's too dishonest to even say, "oops, I got it wrong." Why? Because he's dumb as *****.
  5. Oh no... look at that @BillZtime not only is wrong -- he's ALL THE WAY wrong. Ouch. It must hurt to be that stupid.
  6. Oops! *******************************************************
  7. Oh, sweetie. You think you piss me off? Just proves you truly are dumb as *****. I am laughing at you. You amuse me. Like a clown. Quick -- post another fake story, get blown up, then make this AWESOMELY embarrassing post to try to escape: You're winning this, truly! Keep it up! You got me on the ropes and you aren't being pummeled with your own stupidity.
  8. Quoting this again, because it's the blue ribbon winner of both dishonesty and cowardice this board may have ever seen. Quoting this for a third time, because it's really that stunningly embarrassing. It's akin to this escape attempt:
  9. Wow. That's a lot of words to say: "No, because I'm DUMB AS *****."
  10. How DARE you, sir! Can't you see that giant, flailing va-gina is trying his hardest to dodge the fact he got blown up and embarrassed? You were wrong. Again. Why? Say it with me now: "BECAUSE YOU'RE DUMB AS *****!" (And as dishonest as ever, new handle or no. Sit down, cupcake. You got blown TF up again because... why? see above)
  11. And you're dumb as *****. As we just proved. Walked right into a bear trap -- after walking right into (yet another) fake story. I'm just not sure why you're posting a lefty news network to make your point? That just proves that you truly are dumb as *****.
  12. Freedom is hard, and at times dangerous. There's no perfect solution, there's no guarantee that the virus will be all the way gone. But giving up our freedom out of fear is not a long term solution. You got about 2-3 weeks of compliance left with most people. After that, you're going to get into dangerous territory in terms of civil disobedience in major population centers.
  13. I'm hearing it's because Melania's CoS left for family reasons, and Melania is most comfortable with Stephanie -- but that's unconfirmed.
  14. So, rather than read the material -- which has no bias -- you're plugging your ears and running away while declaring victory? Never change being a *****, GarBear. You just got played again @BillZtime -- HARD. Why? Say it with me now: "BECAUSE YOU'RE DUMB AS *****"
  15. Ding! Ding! Ding! He walked right into it. Because he's not an independent thinker. He's a sheep, following a drunken, hungry shepherd with a taste for lamb chops.
  16. It's SO easy to bait you into a mistake. Because you're too dumb to think for yourself. I chose Mike for a reason -- because I knew you'd dismiss it without actually reading. Had you read, you'd see that within the link are primary source links which you can read and vet for yourself without even reading one word of Mike's screed. And when you read them, you see that you, once again, have been played hard by a BS story. Why'd you get played so hard? Say it with me now: "BECAUSE YOU'RE DUMB AS *****." I love how he brags about blocking anyone who challenges his world view. He's proud of the echo chamber he's built, and darn it, he won't have it challenged by pesky facts or inconvenient truths.
  17. He'll go after their funding next.
  18. Ready? Ready? The billionaire is really worried about $435 dollars of a fund. But, you're too dumb to think for yourself so you don't stop and say, "gee, that's not really the story they're trying to frame it as..." Instead you rush here to post it. Then, when called out for being too dumb to realize you're being played, you double down on it. Why? Say it with me now: "BECAUSE YOU'RE DUMB AS *****"
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