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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Removing all doubt that you're: 1) Honest 2) An actual Bills fan. Your pummeling continues.
  2. Hmm... Tough choice. I think I'd pick 6 because the booze would be better. 2 is a close second.
  3. Good to know. It was a new account to me
  4. Only a person as DUMB as you -- and you're a blue ribbon winner in that department -- asks for proof that has no hope of proving the point you wish to make. See, it doesn't matter what Trump said in that rally when your fundamental argument is proven all the way wrong with the clips from other events. Trump did the same mocking motion and voice to mock people who were NOT disabled. That's what the video shows -- and it's definitive. And if Trump uses that motion and tone to mock people who are not disabled, there's no serious argument you can make which claims Trump was mocking the reporter's disability. You're wrong. Again. Because you're an NPC with a broken brain. Quick -- tell us again how you're winning today. I got even more footage of your "winning" in this thread:
  5. Height of irony considering at this very moment you are: * trying to pretend you didn't say something you did (which was stupid, and easily proven false with about thirty seconds of research) * running from your own words like they were filled with bees. Projection isn't just for movie theaters, @BillZtime , yours is showing everyone that your'e even more dishonest and dumb than I gave you credit for. Here's @BillZtime "winning" in this thread
  6. I don't have to convince myself that you're REAL dumb, your own posts do it for me. I also don't have to convince the board, because they can read. Evidence of how dumb you truly are: How is being a UPS driver a slam? And how did you even arrive at that as a joke? Was it when you were running away from the dumpster fire that is your original post today? Nah. That can't be it. See, to be funny requires intelligence. You lack that. So stop trying to be funny, and take your medicine. More footage of @BillZtime "winning" today
  7. I lost? Huh. When did I lose? Was it when I proved the story you posted was bull#### (again)? Or was it when you tripped over your own dick trying to run away from your own words? Or maybe I lost when I continued to beat you over the head with your own stupidity due to my superior wit and intellect? Here's footage of @BillZtime "winning" (He can't even be honest about things that happened five minutes ago... the sure sign of a broken brain and a dishonest "person")
  8. Oh, you mean the other fake story you pushed (years after it's been debunked). I tell you, you may even be more dumb than I've been saying. Because only a truly stupid person runs from one embarrassing blunder by pointing out yet another of their own embarrassing blunders @BillZtime tries again to dunk -- but ends up embarrassing himself, AGAIN:
  9. No other handles here. I don't need to run from what I write because I'm capable of thinking for myself and admitting when I get stuff wrong. Neither of which you can do. Face it, @BillZtime, you had a bad morning. You got embarrassed by a "Trumphole" who is smarter than you, better informed than you, and funnier than you. You could keep doubling down on your own cowardice, as you're doing now, and I'll keep destroying you. It's fun for me. Costs me nothing. ... Or, you could slink away back into the hole or alt you came from and pretend this never happened. The choice is yours, and we all know you'll make the wrong one because you're REAL dumb.
  10. It's an amazing display. The kind that would embarrass most people. But not @BillZtime. He's an extra special kind of stupid.
  11. It's your legacy now. Enjoy it. You've earned every bit of it.
  12. Really. You're so dumb you really said that -- then ran from your words like the coward you are. Because you're so dumb, allow me to recap again what happened to you this morning. It was really embarrassing for you... and hilarious to me: Real-time replay of @BillZtime trying to dunk, then getting obliterated in return because he's REAL dumb:
  13. Thanks! ... The thing I took away from that is, he bought a gorilla?!
  14. A recap: Real time footage of @BillZtime getting BTFU
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