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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. She needs to step down. It keeps getting worse for her.
  2. Can't escape your own words, CCP Bill. You sided with the regime literally harvesting the organs of its most vulnerable for profit right this very moment. The very regime literally running (real) concentration camps right this very moment. The very regime who's slaughtered doctors who dared to speak up against the overreach of the government. The very regime who forced an ethnic minority to work in infected factories as SLAVES just to keep their economy going during the lock down. CCP Bill is fine with all of the above. He loves it in fact. He wants more ethnic cleansing, more crackdown on dissenters, more fascism... because he's a tool of the CCP and he's SO incredibly dishonest (even with himself) that he won't admit it.
  3. Your comparison, CCP Bill. No one made you make that comparison -- but for the CCP propaganda you read right before sprinting to the board to type it out for everyone else to see. You did this because you thought you were making a real ZINGER of a point... ... But, because you're incredibly dim, all you wound up proving is that you'd rather excuse the CCP's crimes against humanity than be honest. I believe it's a language called: Dumbass.
  4. Low information people try tricks like this and think they're clever. They're not. The only one ignoring the real issue is you, CCP Bill. And it's the post you wrote -- which you first claimed wasn't complete (fact: it was complete) and now you're trying desperately to avoid discussing. Why is that? Because you have the cognitive ability of a corpse.
  5. ... Oh, you want to talk about Trump/Russia? You really want to challenge my knowledge and understanding of that scandal? Haven't you been embarrassed enough, CCP Bill? I can't wait until you get to 2018's talking points
  6. First, this isn't English, CCP Bill. Your inner hack is showing again. Second, I didn't say ANYTHING, I merely quoted your own words where you said this: YOU compared the firing of a captain to the murder of doctors as if they're the same. Because you're DEEPLY stupid -- and now proving to be completely dishonest. Sorry, CCP Bill. You said the words. You have had DAYS to take them back, but you haven't. Why? Because China owns your brain. And you're too much of a mouth-breathing simpleton to realize it.
  7. You never pointed out what was missing after I proved, again, what a despicable asshat you actually are... Wonder why that is, CCP Bill.
  8. That's my favorite part of his "joke". He thinks it's a burn, but all it does is expose his own ignorance (again). It's also a terrible joke -- which as a write, offends me to my core. But, considering he's too stupid to realize his real name is CCP Bill, I'm guessing facts and general knowledge aren't high on his priorities list.
  9. It's because those people making those arguments know Joe won't be running anything if he won. He'll be put in a closet and rolled out for photo-ops, but otherwise the country would be run by his shadow council of advisers who have the stink of Clinton/Obama/Bush all over them. This concept in itself is un-American. But that's never stopped prog-fascists from pining for prog-fascist things.
  10. This is YOUR FULL POST. There's little arrows that can link you back to it. You're lying, CCP Bill. Why are you lying? Could it be you realize that you made a STUPID comparison and are trying (dishonestly) to distance yourself from it? Won't happen CCP Bill. You made it VERY clear who you are and what you stand for. You stand for supporting evil, genocidal regimes so long as it lets you dunk on Trump. That's because you're weak. Very weak. And very, very, VERY dumb.
  11. His own words... a recap: The above was an opportunity for Bill to admit -- "You know what, you're right, DR, that was a stupid point to make. The CCP sucks and China bears the bulk of the burden for this crisis. Instead, because @Niagara Bill is too proud to admit he's wrong (and too stupid to realize he's pushing propaganda for actual evil), he instead doubles down: And then, his ultimate CCP triumph -- CCP Bill takes literal CCP talking points and races to post them here without a second thought: ... Is that misinformation, CCP Bill? Or just proof that your'e willing to excuse the CCP of anything so long as it makes Trump look bad in the process. You're a deeply dumb person, pushing propaganda for one of the most evil regimes ever to exist in the world -- not because you support China, but because you're too stupid to know you're supporting China. ***** off with that nonsense, Bill. You exposed your true self for all to see. And it's shameful.
  12. Manipulating the truth? So you're saying you didn't write a post wherein you compared the firing of a Navy Captain to the murder of doctors in China in order to keep them quiet? Is that really something you want to have said?
  13. All evidence to the contrary considering you've spent the last week waxing China's #######.
  14. Which makes Trump way smarter than you'll ever be, Bill. Go back to sucking China's D.
  15. https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/trump-appointed-federal-judges-allow-doj-to-resume-federal-executions/
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