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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. (2019) https://www.nationalreview.com/2019/11/john-durham-last-trusted-prosecutor-in-washington/
  2. This is why any talk of "18 months" is pure fantasy. People will not tolerate it for much longer.
  3. It means he knows he ***** up and is on borrowed time, and is deflecting like the corrupt POS he is.
  4. The next wave will be far less -- because herd immunity. (and better data and therapeutics... soon vaccines)
  5. Disagreeing about remedies isn't downplaying, it's debating. I've been following the guidelines longer than most on the board I'd be willing to bet (been on lock down since the 12th). I wouldn't be doing that if I were downplaying the virus's impact. Where I draw the line is the talk of ideas which have no hope of fighting the virus and every hope of taking away our civil rights and liberties in exchange for empty promises. I won't be party to that kind of fear mongering. It serves no one's purposes but the actual enemies of this country (and humanity itself), of which there are plenty.
  6. Where am I downplaying this? Not surrendering to fear is not the same as downplaying. Fear kills. (especially in times of crisis)
  7. Now THIS is some bull####. Of course the WHO did exactly that from the start, they politicized this on behalf of the CCP. ***** the UN, ***** the WHO, and ***** the CCP.
  8. A smattering of articles on the topic: https://townhall.com/columnists/brucebialosky/2019/02/10/the-stupidity-of-ballot-harvesting-and-how-it-steals-elections-n2540993 https://www.sfchronicle.com/politics/article/California-s-late-votes-broke-big-for-13432727.php https://www.foxnews.com/politics/ballot-harvesting-bounty-how-dems-used-election-law-change-to-rout-california-republicans https://www.redstate.com/jenvanlaar/2019/12/16/cagop-must-embrace-ballot-harvesting-push-reforms-survive-2020/
  9. I understand the desire to protect your loved ones above all else, truly and appreciate the discussion. My point is not to downplay that, but to acknowledge that we (as a people) are going to be co-existing with this virus for the rest of our lives. It's not going away. There's a way to move forward safely (through education, hygiene, and eventually vaccines/improved therapeutics), but it's going to require bravery on the part of the people. If we aren't brave now, we run the risk of losing more than the virus itself can take from us. That doesn't mean we should rush haphazardly, but we also shouldn't be overly afraid to the point of being paralyzed.
  10. I'm not certain, but that's the rumor. Trump called and made the suggestion with his team Monday or Tuesday. Which is right around when he started making a turn, hence the speculation.
  11. Not dramatic in the least, if anything, it's underselling the issue. First, you wouldn't be able to close down the country for 18 months and get the majority of people to go along with it willingly. The better the weather gets, the more people are going to break quarantine. So that means you'd have to enforce the lock down through martial law. That won't happen without without riots, without demonstrations, without violence and death in the streets. Never mind the cost of moving an election (we'll never get it back if we do), the sign that sends to enemies of this country around the world and to those enemies within our country who are in power today. Once they see they can move an election without blowback, they'll NEVER leave office. Why should they? And none of that touches the farcical idea that you can just shut off the economy for 18 months without a massive human cost. A cost that dwarfs the numbers being tossed around from this virus. The country would never recover. (which is why some people in power are pushing for this so hard)
  12. It's early still, but signs are better today than yesterday apparently.
  13. He'll become the loudest spox for it if he comes all the way back...
  14. Think, really think, about what you're suggesting though, Justice. And this is said as someone who likes your posts a great deal On one hand you're acknowledging that the people in power have been power hungry and after our rights for decades, regardless of party (and I agree with you fully), but then on the other hand you're suggesting letting FEAR control you to the point of staying inside, giving up your sacred right to vote and hold those very people accountable, so they can continue to remain in power until they tell us it's safe to go outside? You can't have it both ways.
  15. You mean when they told us to go about our business and into Chinatown in February? In fact, every post today I've made to you has been about thinking for yourself and fighting the fear pushed by others.
  16. Trust me, I don't. But I can't wrap my head around your logic. You acknowledge they (both sides) want to deny your rights... so why are you so eager to help them?
  17. It's simple. I go to your door and claim to be a DNC affiliate. I ask for your ballot and say I'll mail it in for you (because you're unable to do so yourself due to age/lack of mobility/et al) -- but instead of mailing your ballot, I toss it because you come from a GOP heavy neighborhood... or better yet, I falsify your ballot and mail my own instead. It happened in DROVES in CA in 2018.
  18. There's no oversight. There's no certification process (that can't be manipulated). THOUSANDS of mail in ballots get lost each election -- imagine how many would get lost if millions were forced to do it. Ballot Harvesting allows people to go door to door to collect ballots and mail them out (without any way of seeing if they're changing the people's votes before sending). It increases the likelihood of fraud while decreasing oversight and accountability.
  19. It's rife with fraud. In CA, ballot harvesting is all the rage. And it's all the way dirty. I watched it happen in 2018.
  20. He already lost to Trump once. He'd get destroyed in a rematch.
  21. ... You're saying people shouldn't be voting out of fear of a virus. Yet complaining that the gov't is trying to take away our rights? That's... interesting logic. If you surrender to fear, there won't be.
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