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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Says the guy still running from an honest conversation because he confuses (Obama era) FISC memos and gov't documents as being "conspiracy theories". Why? because @BullBuchanan is not only a coward, he's deeply propagandized to the point of actually thinking he's informed. When he's anything but.
  2. More cowardly running away from reality. That's all you got, bro. And it's a sad, sad, display.
  3. FEAR will be your undoing. Fear makes you weak. Fear makes you fall for "just give us your rights and we PROMISE we'll give them back when this is over." Fight that fear, Shoshin. Tracking is not the answer. Tracking is voluntary enslavement to the state -- the same state which has done nothing but ***** us over for decades while they got rich. Gotta think beyond the moment
  4. Says the guy who literally called a FISC memo a "conspiracy theory". You're beyond broken, Bull. You're so propagandized you can't tell your dick from your elbow.
  5. @BullBuchanan would call FBI transcripts "conspiracy theories" rather than what they are: proof he's wrong, and proof the FBI played him hard.
  6. The suggestion that the tracking would be "for a limited time" only belies that you believe the government would give you back the rights it stripped from you when that's never been done in history. Once they're gone, they're not coming back. Honest question, in your opinion, did the Patriot Act make you more safe, or less safe?
  7. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/04/09/ag_bill_barr_media_on_a_jihad_to_discredit_trump_and_hydroxychloroquine.html Lots of talk about tracking and civil liberties on top of the title subject -- which is why it belongs in this thread too. @shoshin , take a listen to the interview when you get a chance. It might provide some food for thought.
  8. His answer will be the same as @BullBuchanan's was when he was presented with an Obama era FISC opinion memo and called it a "insane conspiracy theory": Facts don't matter to those with TDS. Trends don't matter to those with TDS. History doesn't matter to those with TDS. They're all prisoners/victims of the moment. They've hollowed out their skulls, scooping out all that pesky material that aids cognition and independent thought, and replaced it with a spigot connected directly to the most insidious and divisive propaganda network in human history. Because both @BullBuchanan and @transplantbillsfan are not only intellectual cowards, they're scared that once they acknowledge that they were had on one topic, the whole house of cards will come tumbling down on top of them. They're both gutless, and seek their refuge in echo chambers which don't point out they've been conned, but instead tell them that their FEELZ are valid despite the lack of evidence to back any of it up.
  9. Barr is all in as well...
  10. Posting for the second tweet The whole transcript is just wild.
  11. Another POV -- not an endorsement.
  12. I have a thought, that you’re going to LOVE your Trump avatar come November. It’s going to be Bigly and Wonderful, so Terrific you won’t even believe it. And Hayes is an enemy of this country, Chuck on the other hand, aside from being a friend, has been right far more than he’s been wrong the past 4 years. But you ignore him because you are a slave who doesn’t even realize he’s been shackled. He proves that day in and day out with each one of his dishonest and cowardly posts.
  13. Full transcript. It’s even worse than you think ... https://mobile.twitter.com/ChuckRossDC/status/1248258914451361794 then a thread from Chris who’s a great resource for the Brit intel services: https://mobile.twitter.com/CJBdingo25/status/1248253821165408263 (this takes you to a comment about the thread, the thread is above)
  14. His statements have gotten more certain the longer the probe has gone one. Compare these statements to the ones he gave before the holidays...
  15. If you want to be real, it's simple (though, I'm not a republican): The enemy of my enemy is my friend. There's never been such unity within Clinton, Bush, and Obama camps (and among all their spox) as there is when it comes to their visceral hatred of the man. It started on day one without any rational justification, and spawned multiple ill fated attempts to remove the man from office. When all the people who have gotten rich *****-ing us over for the past thirty + years agree that someone is a "threat to decency", it says all I need to know.
  16. It's a post about an official government document, sourced and verified. So... you could have saved yourself a lot of embarrassment by just saying: "I'm a coward who's dishonest and rather than admit that, I'm running away with my tail between my legs". The blame is on China. But the WHO has been corrupted (by China) and in a moment of crisis, protected that relationship over sharing the truth with the world when it literally meant the difference between life and death. The tweet was not made in isolation. It was their official position in mid January. Hundreds of nations worried about the spread of the disease were taking their advice as gospel.
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