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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. Just re-watched that last night. First time in a number of years. It's definitely the last "comedy" made by a big Hollywood studio -- you know, before they started pushing our society to the right with all their conservative messaging and themes
  2. (says the guy who refuses to read a government document created during the Obama administration because it's "extreme-right", and believes our society is being pushed to the RIGHT by our cornerstone institutions) Maybe sit out any conversations about logic or critical thinking, Bull. You're clearly tuurrrrrrible at both.
  3. A good point, of course. But I think it's long established that all writers are pretty nuts You know the history as well as I do
  4. If he used HCQ to get better that quickly, you better believe it'll become a major story. And it wouldn't be political. It would be exposing the media and their enablers for making HCQ political unnecessarily for weeks. They'd rather have the drug fail and people die just to dunk on Trump than for them to work. Trump didn't make them choose that path, they RACED to stake it out for themselves. (But @BullBuchanan claims the media doesn't have an agenda or bias -- after decades of evidence to the contrary )
  5. Whole lot of wrong information above. But considering the source, it's no surprise.
  6. ***************************** Some good news: Wonder how long before he talks about whatever treatment he received in terms of therapeutics....
  7. Let's see if he used it or not. I'm betting he did.
  8. There's stupid. Then there's @BullBuchanan level stupid. Which is lower than all my comedic hopes for it combined It takes TALENT to be that wrong and keep a straight face. TALENT. (still rolling)
  9. I'm still rolling over that analysis Stop, you've embarrassed yourself MORE than enough for one day Tell us again how we've been "pushed to the right" as a society. That is blue ribbon level stupidity
  10. YES! Hollywood pushes us right! Our entire media complex does nothing but push far right values day in and day out for decades! In a board littered with inane posts from simpletons like GarBoTibs, @BullBuchanan 's take might be the most inaccurate thing EVER written on this board.
  11. Pushed... RIGHT as a society?! Removing ALL doubt that you're informed, educated, or capable of analyzing reality in any meaningful way.
  12. Try reading: https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/icotr/51117/2016_Cert_FISC_Memo_Opin_Order_Apr_2017.pdf ************************
  13. FYI -- I'm a Hollywood liberal. But again, don't let facts get in the way of your own dishonesty.
  14. My agenda is showing the board that you are full of it. Because you are. And that you're an intellectual coward and lightweight who defines official government documents as "conspiracy theories/extreme-right" sources just so he can continue to live in his bubble. And I'm doing a bangup job of it so far. Thanks to your help and cowardice.
  15. Big words from a guy who's still running from AN OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DOCUMENT PRODUCED BY THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION. You think that's an "extreme right" source? No, you don't. You're just too cowardly to read it and think for yourself, because doing so would force you to admit that you're not as well informed as you claim.
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