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Deranged Rhino

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Everything posted by Deranged Rhino

  1. For consideration:
  2. Oversight, certifications, and receipts. How many names have been taken off the rolls in several states since 2016? Hundreds of thousands.... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/06/20/calif_begins_removing_5_million_inactive_voters_on_its_rolls__140602.html#! https://www.bizpacreview.com/2019/01/04/judicial-watch-wins-suit-california-forced-to-remove-up-to-1-5-million-inactive-voters-and-clean-up-its-rolls-709972 https://dfw.cbslocal.com/2019/01/25/texas-secretary-state-widespread-voter-fraud/ It is when those votes aren't taken to the proper places, and/or changed before they arrive. Which is what happened in droves in CA in '18. I saw it with my own two eyes.
  3. SNOPES... Too bad they've never been wrong, right? Oh... wait -- what's this? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3894806/Woman-alleged-raped-Donald-Trump-13-Jeffrey-Epstein-sex-party-DROPS-case-casting-doubt-truth-claims.html Oh, what's that? She was a paid operative of Lisa Bloom who had no evidence and dropped her case. You got played. Again. Because you WANT to believe it. Quick -- tell me, are the Jills in that tape "young girls" as you claimed? Or are they of age women? Right. You're wrong again. Thanks for proving it.
  4. You are SO lost. SO misinformed. There's ZERO difference between Bush/Clinton/Obama. The only difference is a mirage. They did not push the country "right", they pushed globalism which is the antithesis of conservative's philosophy. Neo-liberal = Neocon -- same bird, different wings. Just like the establishment GOP = the establishment DNC in all but PR. That's NOT the master they answered to. Your ignorance is on full display. Because Obama was full of shite. Like Bush. Like Clinton. The goal of their administrations was to weaken the country by overextending it, while propping up the globalist designs within China, the EU, and elsewhere. That's not a push towards the "right". It's a push towards the opposite. He's not. But to each their own.
  5. First one is not only false, it's laughable considering your partisan allegiances. But the second one is beyond misleading. But when you're as badly misinformed as Billstime/Billztime, that shouldn't be a surprise. But keep on pushing those talking points for the actual kid fukkers. You're doing them proud.
  6. Look at California in 2018 and it’s ballot harvesting issues. It’s not difficult to see how rampant fraud can be when there’s no oversight — which there wouldn’t be if the elections are federalized. Voting is a right people have died to protect and pass on. Saying we can’t do it today because of a bug is the height of cowardice. It’s time to be smart AND brave.
  7. Read your own post above. Slowly. You can do it.
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/ProfMJCleveland/status/1248338302039621632
  9. Don’t look now, but you’re describing a “conspiracy theory” involving the “deep state” you claim doesn’t exist...
  10. It’s a great thing if you don’t care about election integrity.
  11. https://mobile.twitter.com/themarketswork/status/1248334048289624065 Good for Japan.
  12. We should accept accountability -- for relying on globalism and offshoring our Nat Sec. But, you don't want to talk about that because you're incapable of it. Your own (piss poor) analysis proves it.
  13. Wait, it's true that America is evil, or that that is a right leaning talking point. Please be specific so we can mock you appropriately. He has ZERO understanding of how the IC operates. Or that it was decimated in China specifically due to China's counter-intelligence efforts (and the gullibility/corruptibility of our leadership).
  14. I answered it for you, Bull. Our country's lurch to the right forced us to rely on globalist institutions rather than our own because the lurch to the right spent DECADES painting America as evil and untrustworthy.... Oh. Wait. That's backwards.
  15. Still nothing... gee, I wonder why that is. Could it be, Alex Jones is not a source I've ever relied on once in my life? (Narrator: Yes.)
  16. This is an important question -- which shows (again) how uniformed @BullBuchanan is about reality. Why doesn't the CIA have a strong footprint in China in which to do the kind of things he's asking? Why, that's because the entire HUMINT network was destroyed due to Clinton and Obama's failures (or payoffs) as SecState and POTUS. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/world/asia/china-cia-spies-espionage.html But details!
  17. Quick. Find one post of mine which quotes Alex Jones as a source. I have close to 40k posts, surely there will be HUNDREDS which you can choose from to prove this true and bury me.... GO!
  18. Why were we in a position to trust the globalist community and institutional structures? Why... it must be because we as a society have been pushed towards the "extreme-right", and everyone knows that right of center people have been the driving force of globalism over the past thirty years. .... Wait a second. That can't be right. @BullBuchanan just keeps on proving himself to be dumber than his last post.
  19. What's hilarious is he keeps posting (bad) memes about Fox News without any understand Fox News is MSM (and thus left of center). Because he's all the way stupid
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